Topic: Molniya Figs -- fantastic!

I've been buying from Panzerschiffe to build my WWI fleets.... meaning the French, German, British, Italian and Austrian ships needed to fight in the Mediterranean and Pacific (I have several Japanese ships, too).

Those theaters, what happened and what could have happened, are friggin fascinating.

Anyway, to round out my A-H roster, I needed the three Erzherzog Karl BBs that made up the 3rd Battleship squadron.  Panzerschiffe doesn't have them. So I splurged and bought them from a new line offered by Molniya.

They're expensive....along GHQ prices as each of these pre-dreadnoughts in 1/2400 scale cost $8.  But the quality is unbelievable.

Metal, no flash what-so-ever, and detailed to the point that they're better than what's offered by the WTJ site (which itself has very nice products).

I just finished painting them up, and they're easily the best looking ships I've done or seen at any of the local games.  If these guys expand to cover the Russo-Japanese War, they're going to get a ton of my money.  Right now I have nothing else I'd want from them, but I wanted to give a nod.