Topic: Gathering 2009

Well, there's an invitation-only, limited-seats gaming.... thing happening. At my house- the new one. PM if you need updated phone, email or address details.

Three people so far are bringing their own army, everyone else is depending on the House supply. edit: Mark is BYO, having picked up 20 Eldar on Ebay

BYO so far:

Steave: Custom Space Marines chapter. Damn close to fully painted, plenty of variety, and a nice, militaristic look. No bright pink power armoured psuedo-goths here, these guys want to shoot you lots, not strike dance poses with improbable melee weapons. They still ride giant Harleys with huge HMGs though, 'cause that's awesome.

Sav: Paper cutout 3D robot legion. This promises to be awesome. Sav is statting his own army. Sav gets an extra ration of rum, sugar or tobacco, his choice.

Justin: Custom force represented by Space marine Scouts and... Imperial Guard? Possibly featuring "the super explodey mega tank of doom- and suicide bombers! Stat them up for me. Now." Yesssh masssshter. Warning: may contain exploding ninjas.

Mark: Eldar plus Pig Iron Infantry, and I'll throw in some Grav Tanks, or bikes, or an Avatar, from my 40K days. Should be interesting, as one of the few forces not dominated by Powered Infantry, he may well outnumber us all.

House armies so far:

Carby: bagsed-I the Kryomek. I apologise for the skewed selection and that a decent colour scheme only came to me after I'd painted most of the slithery little bastards. Cone weapons, fast vehicles, stupidly good morale.... and suicide bombers. They want to eat your face, but they're not averse to the occasional rolling artillery barrage. I'm in love with this army so I hope it performs well and provides foe-destroying happy fun time.

James: has called the Legions of Steel. Even if there's something unpainted now, I can fix that with black spraypaint and some frenetic drybrushing. Basically the Machines have hordes of virtually unbreakable riflemen backed up by a variety of specialist assault fiends.

Dave: this just in, Dave is gonna show up. No further details as yet!

EDIT: good grief. Coming up with a viable force for like, everybody, is exhausting. But an excellent excuse to get my toys out.

Re: Gathering 2009

House armies not taken:

United Nations of Earth (UNE) : long-ranged guns, power armour, and ah... more long-ranged guns, and more power armour. Fully painted tank and walking weapons-platform available. Lots of infantry options. Lots of heavy weapons.

Infranites: Less rangey than the UNE, with fewer specialists and more all-round punch. Fully and partially painted Dreadnought style stampy robots with guns available. Decent artillery. Jetbikes available but unpainted, due to a horrible horrible misstep with primer.

Legions of Steel: Robots with guns! Lots of robots! Lots of guns! Robots with napalm guns, horns, and tridents! Female centaur robots, skeleton robots, giant devil robots, enormous scorpion (with artillery rocket battery for tail) robots.

Re: Gathering 2009

Can I take the legion of steel?

(some info on what the hell "Defiance" is may come in handy too =P

Re: Gathering 2009

1. Sure ye can.

2. Defiance is the rules-set for tabletop that we'll be using. It's on a par for complexity with Warhammer 40 000; it's somewhat more involved depending on what's in play, but plays out faster. The big bonus is that you can stat anything into it and get a decent result, so I can bring out my Legions of Steel stuff, Steave can bring his Space Marines, Sav can bring his Robots from Cardstock, and everyone can fight everyone else with joyous abandon.

3. The unasked for advice: get a hold of a copy of Defiance for a read-through (it's a really big book when printed but only about 60 pages of that is rules). If you have an idea of the basic concepts you'll get up and running a lot faster. The basic concepts are about 10 pages, the full "basic" rules roughly 50, but there's a ton of stuff you don't need to know, let alone memorise, to be able to start playing.

Re: Gathering 2009

No pressure to finish my army now...back to cutting and gluing...

Re: Gathering 2009

How  many Folding tables do we need to bring up with us?  0,2,4,5,6  :?:


Re: Gathering 2009

Well there's only room for another pair. We have one pair here.

Re: Gathering 2009

So, you are gonna play like you've got TWO pairs..? tongue

Re: Gathering 2009

Here in Australia, we all have two pairs.

Re: Gathering 2009

On the words of Mr. Tom Waits: "This is supose to be science fiction and not six fiction!"


Couldn't help it. :geek:

Re: Gathering 2009

A note: 19 month old boys are as attracted to miniatures as any other, but fail to appreciate the delicate nature of the little metal toys.

Fear not. I have glue.

Lots of glue.

Re: Gathering 2009

In a less than optimal string of events I'm going to have to give my apologies. Turns out I have some unavoidable family stuff on the saturday. I hope a suitable commander can be found for the legions of steel.

What's the point in finally having weekends if I have to spend them doing other people's stuff???

Sorry about the late notice.

Re: Gathering 2009

Drayven wrote:

In a less than optimal string of events I'm going to have to give my apologies. Turns out I have some unavoidable family stuff on the saturday. I hope a suitable commander can be found for the legions of steel.

What's the point in finally having weekends if I have to spend them doing other people's stuff???

Sorry about the late notice.

You have weekends?  :cry:

Re: Gathering 2009

Ah, buggerdamn.

Oh well, good luck with other people's stuff wink