Topic: Starwars Army List?

Just before I disappear into the realms of building up a new army and searching all over the net for references on blaster rates of fire, vechile movement speeds etc... Has anyone made up a Starwars Army list I'm specifically after a Clone Army list and a Trade Federation droid Army list...But any conversions anyone has done would be useful.

Re: Starwars Army List?

I haven't heard of any tho there was discussion about doing Star Wars with Defiance a while back:

I suppose the OP decided to go with another game.

That said, Clones and Droids lists shouldn't be too difficult to build. Like I said in the other thread, things start to get dicey once you bring in the Jedi, depending on what you expect them to be able to do on the field.

Re: Starwars Army List?

Jedi would fit in with a clone army, but they tended to be generals and If I do put them in they wont be the roving unstoppable juggernauts they tend to be shown as in the movies, sure good in certain situations against certain enemies but can still be killed.

on a side note - It'd be very interesting to see the average life span of a roving Jedi knight during the clone wars as not all of them were as super powered as Ben and Anakin (I tend to view those two as the top .1% of Jedi). I have a suspicion from the resources I've read that a lot of Jedi have died because of wrong place wrong time syndrome.

I've started gathering the names and the RPG stats on weapons that I need to convert as well as deciding what troop types to include in each army, It seems to be fairly straight forward although there are a few gaps in equipment that I'll fill with creative license smile.

If I get the army lists done and smokingwreckage doesn't smash them into embarrassing itty bitty bits next time we play I'll post the army lists up in future:).

Re: Starwars Army List?

If you want to publish the lists on the 'Net once they are done I have a modest portal side I can either upload the files on or link to your site from...

On the subject of army building, again like I said before, if you tailor the hand-to-hand skills of a basic Clone Trooper or Droid to a negligible level, then you can fairly easily fit in a Jedi frame that can do nasty things to other frames in close combat. Add a serious field save for Force abilities and "the sword trick",  and limit Commander levels to that frame and you are pretty far along given your premise that most Jedi aren't singleghandedly going to win battles.

Re: Starwars Army List?

Me? Smash? I'll throw them to Steave's Black Watch. They kill everyone they meet just as a polite greeting, let alone what they might do in a proper fight.

Re: Starwars Army List?

Thanks for the offer tnjrp and nice ideas on the jedi commanders.

Smokingwreckage have to see how they go trying to convert the armies following starwars reference material so I'm not doing much tweaking and trying to make a semi-true Clone & droid army starwars convert which means I suspect they'll get stomped by just about anything but each other. Then again maybe not.

Below is a short list of troops/vehicles, no stats yet but simply narrowing down the piles of troop/vehicle and weapon choices has been a headache. Still with the below I'm exceeding 35 potential frames I'll narrow it more as I stat them up. For the below little pile of Troops and vehicles there are 26 unique weapons (I wont post those way to many smile) it appears the Clone army doesn't believe in standardization (other than their amour):

Clone Scout
Clone Trooper
Clone ARC Trooper
Clone Jet Trooper
Clone Blaze Trooper
Jedi general?

BARC Speeder
Swamp Speeder (Infantry Support Platform)
Republic Troop Transport
TX 130 Tank
Anime Mecha
AT-PT (Light walker)

Posting this to keep myself motivated as I have to go sort through the SW SAGA books and convert the stats to defiance now...