Topic: Movement in Dreadnoughts...

Have not picked up Dreadnoughts, but I have a curious question. The movement rules in Starmada assumes space movement. Forward momentum is not lost to resistance. Do the movement rules change in Dreadnoughts to account for air and water resistance, or is that not taken into account?

Re: Movement in Dreadnoughts...

I think its changed back to the movement that was in Starmada X

Re: Movement in Dreadnoughts...

Hrm... that does not help me much as I do not have a copy of Starmada X. :-\
However, I do appreciate the response. Thanks/

Re: Movement in Dreadnoughts...

I recently picked up Dreadnoughts and Iron Stars and they both have alternate movement systems which are slight but significant changes from the default movement system.    The dreadnoughts movement system is probably the simplest of all starmada movement ive seen...   I wont give details as im not sure if that appropriate but the dreadnoughts movement accounts for resistance and the difficulty in making sharp heading changes in water.  Overall I like it and have actually used it for some space games as well when im playing with players that I dont feel like explaining the new default starmada movement too, which isnt really much more complicated but can take a bit of explaining.

Re: Movement in Dreadnoughts...

Just to try and boost sales for it, if you haven't bought it already, the Rules Annex has both Naval and Etheric (or Aetheric) Movement. I don't have Dreadnoughts or Starmada: Iron Stars either (as I'm not terribly excited by WW1-era battleships, and already have Iron Stars), but I am tempted to go for designing ironclads and pre-WW1 battleships. I can feel a Battle of Tsushima coming on...:)

Re: Movement in Dreadnoughts...

Thank you both! Sounds like I'll have to pick up Starmada Annex perhaps after next payday.

Reason I ask is that I'm considering Final Fantasy-style Airship combat, and Starmada looks to be a very good system for that.