Topic: Tech tree

I assume we'll need one of these sooner or later. Behold, my first draft of a Starmada tech tree:

Color codes indicate defense (green), offense (red), movement (blue), or fighters (yellow).

Everyone starts with the techs in bold (and presumably some fixed number of additional techs).

Techs connected to the left of a tech (by adjacency or a line) are prerequisites.

Re: Tech tree

Just re-engaging this forum after a long hiatus. I like your tech tree. Have you link this to some sort of research point cost per tech relative to empire resources/production in SovStar?

I came up with an abstracted tech development using the tech levels in SAE. Everyone starts at TL -3 across all techs and have to apply research points from their empire resources/productions. Set research points thresholds for each TL...
RP:     10 -> 20 -> 40 -> 80
TL: -3 -> -2 -> -1 -> 0 -> 1 -> 2
i.e., 10 research points to advance from TL -3 to -2, for one type of tech such as engines or weapons or shields