Topic: Kligon Armada Conversion Formula?

I'm new here.  I just bought Klingon Armada about a week ago.  I've played Federation Commander (FC) since it came out, and Starfleet Battles (SFB) since the '80's.  I have to say, I love KA!  I enjoyed this game so much I've already bought the Starmada Core Rulebook.

Being a long time player in the Starfleet Universe, there are many ships I am impatient to try in this system.  I have looked over the ships in the current release, and am having a hard time pinning down exactly how to determine the stats for SFB/FC ships for KA.  Specifically, how is the Hull Size determined?  How is the Engine Rating determined?  How are the Auxiliary Services (Cargo and Science) determined?

If these are proprietary formulas or methods, I understand.  I would just like to bring more ships into this game from the setting at large.

Thank you,

Re: Kligon Armada Conversion Formula?

I would compare the ships from KA to FC and see if there are is anything that is similar. Look for patterns. I just happen to have both games so lets see......A federation heavy cruiser has 10 hull in KA, now a squadron scale Fed. Heavy Cruiser has 16 hull. Now a federation dreadnought has 16 hull in KA and a Fed. DN in FC has 30 so that's about 1.6-1.9 hull for each FC ship to a KA ship. Looks like engines are pretty static in KA with 6 being normal 7 are your fast ships and 5 are your slow. This should give you a jump start on some of your ships I would probably use 1.7 FC hull points for each point of KA hull pts. Everything else just uses something similar other ships represented.

Re: Kligon Armada Conversion Formula?

Thank you for the suggestion, Inari.  The relationship isn't just Hull to Hull, but that gave me the idea to figure it out.  To convert FC to KA, add up all the components of the ship, plus the Frame Damage, and divide by 10.  Following this, 3 ships are off by one point of Hull, out of 47 ships, and those three I can see a reason for adjusting the value by one.  The Engine values still seem to be at least somewhat arbitrarily assigned.  This is the area where I'd really like to talk with the person doing the conversions.


Re: Kligon Armada Conversion Formula?

Sounds like you are on to somthing. Keep me up dated. How about the weapons anything diffrent?

Re: Kligon Armada Conversion Formula?

I've noticed two differences in weapons, both in Klingon ships.  The E4 seems to have one fewer phaser-2 in the rear bank, arc [CDEF].  Also, the arcs on two of the D5's phaser-1's are the equivilant of [ABCD] in FC, but are [AB] in KA.  I suspect these are errors in conversion, and could easily be changed in an errata.


Re: Kligon Armada Conversion Formula?

How are the conversions comming along?

Are you going to post them?

Re: Kligon Armada Conversion Formula?

I've figured out most of it, and am just refining guidelines for the elements that seem more arbitrary.  I'll post them when I have something nice typed up.


Re: Kligon Armada Conversion Formula?

I haven't gotten my KA yet, I expect it to be here by Wed.

I am real interested in your conversion notes, but are you basing it on SFB or FC?  They are real close but different.  I know SFB, but have only skimmed my copy of FC.

Re: Kligon Armada Conversion Formula?

I think he is basing his converson on FC, BUT the guys over at the SFB forums have conversions from SFB to FC smile

Re: Kligon Armada Conversion Formula?

Inari7 wrote:

I think he is basing his converson on FC, BUT the guys over at the SFB forums have conversions from SFB to FC smile

IIRC the differences between SFB and FC were fairly minor systems wise.    When I compare the SSD's from a SFB Fed CA to a FC Sqd Scale Fed CA they are the same.

The big difference is in how energy is managed.

Of course I played SFB but only read through FC once so my impressions may not be accurate and I may be missing something.

Re: Kligon Armada Conversion Formula?

Dear Sevya,

Will you still be posting your conversion formulae ?  Thanks !

Re: Kligon Armada Conversion Formula?

The ships in Star Fleet Armada (SFA) are converted from the FC ships.

Daniel has said (somewhere - I'm too lazy to hunt down the thread) that the SF Armada hull size is based on the total number of boxes on the SSD.  Engine rating is based on the ratio of engine/power boxes to total boxes.

I've been doing a number of conversions of some of the ships posted on the Federation Commander website.  Mostly these have been relatively simple variant ships that haven't required messing with hull, but I've done a couple that are new or significantly modified.  As others have suggested, I mostly eyeballed it, comparing the total boxes on the SSD to ships of similar hull size in SFA.  The results look pretty good to me.

I'll post some of my conversion ships in the Bourbaki Basin when I get a chance (mainly requiring that I get them into Drake Notation).


Re: Kligon Armada Conversion Formula?

I just came back to this after an extended break.  I had the Hull and Shields figured out fairly quickly.  Engines were giving me trouble.  I saw the post Brian mentioned.  Dan describes what he took into account.  After a little thinking on his words, I figured the Engines out, too.  I've been going through the ships to see how closely my formula matches.  It's not 100%, but I'm confident with converting any ship that uses weapons already in Starmada. 
