Topic: Ships carrying ships
A thought occurred to me recently. Has anyone put any thought to designing ships that carry other, smaller ships? Specifically, I was thinking about working with a setting that focuses on individual fighters, such as Battlestar Galactica, or Space Above and Beyond. The fighters would be small starships themselves, size 5 or less. Capital ships would be huge, and rarely would there be more than one or two per side. Other applications could include PF's from Starfleet Battles (to include in Klingon Armada), Traveller style battle riders, Battletech style jumpships and Dune style guild transports.
I think that this would be best dealt with in the starship design system by having the SU's taken up on the carrying ship to be some multiple of the SU's that make up the carried ship, but I don't know what that multiple would be. Does anyone have any experience with this? How many times the volume of an F-14 fighter does an aircraft carrier need to support it?