Topic: Hello


I just bought For the Masses, and I'm looking forward to trying it out with my friends.

I have a lot of Warhammer troops but I've never been a fan of the Warhammer system... so I googled around and found this ruleset.

I was excited to see the formula for creating your own troops. Are there any resources with other army lists besides the ones in the main rulebook?

Re: Hello

Hi there!

Sorry I missed your post earlier, but I was camping with Boy Scouts for a week without internet (gasp!)

There aren't any online resources as far as  know for extra races, but we do have some more in the works (right, for five years, in the works)

but anyway,  I'll send you what we have via P< if I can, or email if not.

Re: Hello

OK, I cannot attach the pdf to the email or anything else, so PM me with your email address and I'll send it to you

Re: Hello

jimbeau wrote:

OK, I cannot attach the pdf to the email or anything else, so PM me with your email address and I'll send it to you

You can ZIP the pdf and upload it here.

Daniel Kast
Majestic Twelve Games

Re: Hello

Alright, I've PMed you jimbeau. If you can zip and attach it too that might be good for anyone else who comes here looking for it.

Anyway it's good to meet you both. Thanks for your replies. smile

Re: Hello

cricket wrote:
jimbeau wrote:

OK, I cannot attach the pdf to the email or anything else, so PM me with your email address and I'll send it to you

You can ZIP the pdf and upload it here.

didn't want to post it to the world just yet... I guess I could... not much going on in the FTM world these days...

Re: Hello

jimbeau wrote:

not much going on in the FTM world these days...

I noticed this board seems to have been very quiet for over a year now. Has everyone stopped playing? Or moved on to one of the other games?

I'd been playing Warhammer for a while, but never was really satisfied with the balance of the armies... or the fact that they specifically make the rules so you can't really add your own custom units. I'm new to FTM so I haven't had time to really play around a build new unit types yet, but I'm pretty excited about the possibility of doing so. Particularly if I can make conversions of the Warhammer units I currently own and then tweak them from that point, I can see this system as being a whole lot better and more flexible than any other ruleset out there. (That magic point formula you have there is awesome!)

Re: Hello

Did you manage to make any progress on the Warhammer conversion?   I'd be interested to know.  Perhaps we can work on trying to convert armies.  Which set of rules are you using?  I have both v 4 and 6 of Warhammer and it's amazing how similar the armies are from early 1990s to the 2000s - there's been almost no change in the background and armies - just rehashing of GW army books to make more money.  The world of Warhammer crystallised in the WHFB from 4th edition and hasn't changed since. 

Re: Hello

Hey David,

I haven't done much more on that. It was difficult to replicate the various army features in WHFB to For the Masses because of the differences in points. I felt that some of the unit costs were vastly more expensive than they should have been, so I need to work on tweaking the costs.

The points as written work pretty well on smaller scales, but on larger scale armies in which every model has to have a certain set of abilities (think how ogres all cause fear, and such) it becomes very difficult.

Did you try any?

Re: Hello

Wanna see it too.

Re: Hello

Hi Jim

Are these playtest armies for the 2004 version of the rules or the latest playtest rules? Could I get a copy as well? Pretty please with bells on?

Pursio the Dwarf