Topic: Anime

I have not watched much of what would be called anime - and a random reference in a webcomic got me to thinking about it. I think the only thing I've seen that would 'qualify' would be Star Blazers (actually Space Battleship Yamato with cuts and new dialog) and Robotech (3 different animes forced together by Harmony Gold)...

I know some of you might have been exposed (and yes, I'm aware of the possible double entendre') to it more than I have - does anyone have any suggestions?

I'd appreciate it if you could tell me what's IN it, and why you like it (or, dislike it).

Re: Anime

There's a couple good ones if you like big stompy mecha and neat ships.

VanDread - Boy meets Girl add transforming space craft and human harvesting bad guys. Did I mention boys and girls lived on different worlds...

StrAIn - Armored fighter/robots used as fighters in a nasty vs sister and the discovery of a dark secret.

Argentosama- Again cool fighter/robots used to fight giant adaptive alien robots that try to converge on a single point on the planet. Why is the big thing...

Record: Lodoss War- if you like something more D&Dish.

Rune Soldier - Fantasy camp/humor series...possesses some amusing moments.

Iria - adult level violence and such. BAD alien vs young bounty hunter wanna be out to avenge her brother...this one is considered a classic among anime.

Gasaraki - A mix of modern day and feudal japan mysticism centered around a boy and a girl on opposite sides of corporations developing Tactical Armors...but beware those who are pulling the puppet's strings...