Topic: Miss me?

Well, even if you didn't, I'm back just the same. Been spending the last two weeks travelling across this great country of ours, moving my wife out to Milwaukee of all places -- it's a job-related thing, nothing bad.

I note there are several of you who have been waiting for a reply from me via email, so I thought I'd mention the reason for my delay and that I should be in touch shortly.

So, what'd everyone get for Christmakwanzikah?

Daniel Kast
Majestic Twelve Games

Re: Miss me?

I got a copy of Romulan Armada and got my cousin Alien Armada.

A very mj12 Christmakwanzikah.

Re: Miss me?

My son bought me a Kindle for Christmas.

Does anyone actually celebrate Kwanzaa?

Re: Miss me?

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