Topic: Alphenan Commonwealth and Mohkair-Lankur Union

Alphenan Commonwealth

The Alphenan Commonwealth is a major player in the setting, encompassing parts of the inner system and controlling one gas giant completely and holdings around two other gas giants. The Commonwealth is similar in governance to the British Commonwealth or the US, but with much greater central governmental control—however, each member country has the right to leave the Commonwealth.

However, the situation has become more difficult as of late, with the build-up of military forces by the Gimelrekan Empire and the Delathan Union, the Commonwealth has had to increase military spending themselves, which has caused some of the more disaffected member countries to question their decision to join the Commonwealth. This came to a head when, along with rebellions in the Gimelrekan and Delathan holdings orbiting Momhali, the largest of the gas giants, the colony of Lankur, with encouragement and assistance from the Mohkair Republican Union (part of a small alliance whose members have also helped sponsor the Gimelrekan and Delathan rebellions), launched a surprise attack on the small Alphenan fleet protecting Lankur and two small colonies of Commonwealth countries. Lankur then announced its intentions to join the Mohkair Republican Union.

This left the Commonwealth in a quandary. Gimelrekan and Delathan forces were already moving to their rebellious colonies, and to not attempt an invasion of the newly-formed Mohkair-Lankur Union would have invited a potential invasion, that would have threatened war across the entire system. On the other hand, the Commonwealth was formed from the start as a voluntary political union, with conquered powers placed under protectorate status until they decided to join the Commonwealth of their own accord. If the Commonwealth launched an invasion of the breakaway colony, it might cause the Commonwealth to fragment.

Soon, however, the decision was made for them when a Commonwealth convoy was attacked and destroyed by warships. The convoy lasted long enough to send imagery and sensor data to Alphena Prime, the seat of government, and the data showed that Mohkairan warships were responsible. With that, the Commonwealth members unanimously decided to seize the Lankur colony and Mohkair and arrest its leaders and military officers that initiated both attacks.

Fighters in Use:

Forzana (30): 4/7/5+/0

Boarding Pod (15): 4/8/3+/0 (Boarding Pod)

Weapon List

Name            Range    ACC    R/I/D    Other

Particle Bolter--
Assault Mode        12    4+    1/1/1    Extra Hull Damage, Piercing (1)
Repeating Mode    12    3+    1/1/1    Repeating
Plasma Cannon        12    4+    1/1/1    Range-Based Damage, Piercing (1)
Particle Cannon        12    4+    1/3/1
EM Torpedo        12    4+    1/1/5    Ignores Shields, No Hull Damage, Slow-Firing
Standard Missile Rack    15    3+    1/1/1
Light Plasma Cannon    9    4+    1/1/1    Range-Based Damage
Light Particle Cannon    9    4+    1/2/1
Heavy Array        9    3+    2/1/1
Standard Particle Beam    9    3+    1/1/1
Twin Array        6    3+    2/1/1

Unless stated otherwise, all carrier space is filled with Forzana fighter flights

Lorhaza-class battleship (608)
Hull: 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Engines:  2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Shields: 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1
Weapon Hit Chart: [VX] [VY] [VY] [WZ] [WZ] [XZ]
Battery V: Standard Missile Rack [AB] [AC] [AC] [AC] [BD] [BD] [BD]
Battery W: Particle Bolter [ACE] [ACE] [BDF] [BDF] 
Battery X: Particle Bolter [ACE] [ACE] [BDF] [BDF]
Battery Y: EM Torpedo [AB] [AB] [AB]
Battery Z: Heavy Array [ACE] [ACE] [ACE] [ACE] [BDF] [BDF] [BDF] [BDF]
Special: Carrier (60), Fire Control

The Lorhaza is the heavy combatant of Commonwealth fleets, able to engage heavy and light targets simultaneously with its particle bolters and heavy arrays. It also acts as a command unit for task forces and battle squadrons.

Fehalza-class cruiser (266)
Hull: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Engines:  3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1
Shields: 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1
Weapon Hit Chart: [VXZ] [VXZ] [VXZ] [WY] [WY] [WZ]
Battery V: Standard Missile Rack [AC] [AC] [BD] [BD]
Battery W: Plasma Cannon [AC] [AC] [BD] [BD] 
Battery X: Particle Cannon [AC] [AC] [BD] [BD]
Battery Y: Standard Particle Beam [ABCDEF] [ABCDEF] [ABCDEF]
Battery Z: Twin Array [ABCE] [ABCE] [ABCE] [ABDF] [ABDF] [ABDF]
Special: Carrier (30), Fire Control

While the Lorhaza is a brawler, the Fehalza is a workhorse, the most common cruiser seen in service. It is designed for both patrol duties and fleet battles.

Fekalza-class assault cruiser (257)
Hull: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Engines:  3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1
Shields: 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1
Weapon Hit Chart: [VX] [VY] [WY] [WZ] [WZ] [X]
Battery V: Standard Missile Rack [AB] [AB]
Battery W: Particle Bolter [AB] [AB] [AC] [BD] 
Battery X: EM Torpedo [AB] [AB]
Battery Y: Plasma Cannon [ABC] [ABD] 
Battery Z: Heavy Array [ACEF] [BDEF] 
Special: Carrier (30), Marines (OOOOO OOO)
Carries 2 Boarding Pods

The Fekalza is an uncommon unit, and is only deployed in fleet actions or assault missions, in which it acts as the command unit, typically for Fehalzas or Malahzas.

Malahza-class destroyer (155)
Hull: 6 5 4 3 2 1
Engines:  3 3 2 2 1 1 
Shields: 2 2 2 1 1 1
Weapon Hit Chart: [VWXYZ] [VWXZ] [VWXZ] [WXYZ] [WXYZ] [WXYZ]
Battery V: Standard Missile Rack [AB] [AC] [BD]
Battery W: Light Plasma Cannon [AC] [AC] [AC] [BD] [BD] [BD] 
Battery X: Light Particle Cannon [AC] [AC] [AC] [BD] [BD] [BD]
Battery Y: Standard Particle Beam [AC] [BD] [CE] [DF]
Battery Z: Twin Array [AC] [AC] [BD] [BD] [CE] [DF]
Special: Carrier (30)

The Malahza is an effective escort unit, being used primarily to help support Fehalzas and Lorhazas against light units or gunboats. It also performs patrol duties and exceeds at convoy duties.

Erlaza-class patrol carrier (111)
Hull: 3 2 1
Engines:  3 2 1
Shields: 1 1 1
Weapon Hit Chart: [VWX] [VWX] [WX] [WX] [WX] [WX]
Battery V: EM Torpedo [AB]
Battery W: Twin Array [ABCD] [ABCD] [CDEF]   
Battery X: Standard Particle Beam [AB] [AB] [EF]
Special: Carrier (60)

An oddball ship in the fleet, which relies on multi-purpose ships, this vessel is not very effective at destroying enemy units. However, in small fleet actions, and providing fighter support for Elrazas, it is a fairly useful vessel, and its EM Torpedo can quite often cause significant problems for enemy ships, leaving them vulnerable to other attacks.

Elraza-class corvette (54)
Hull: 3 2 1
Engines:  3 2 1
Shields: 1 1 1
Weapon Hit Chart: [VXY] [VXY] [WXY] [WXY] [WY] [WY]
Battery V: EM Torpedo [AB]
Battery W: Light Plasma Cannon [AC] [BD]   
Battery X: Light Particle Cannon [AC] [BD]
Battery Y: Twin Array [ABCD] [ABCD] [CDEF]
Special: None

The Elraza is a light patrol/attack unit that provides cruiser and destroyer squadrons with both an escort and an extra dimension for attack with its EM Torpedo.

EDIT: I was checking the ships and noticed that the arcs for the SPBs on the Fehalza were incorrect. This has now been corrected.

Re: Alphenan Commonwealth and Mohkair-Lankur Union

Mohkair-Lankur Union

The Mohkair Republican Union is a small power with three lunar colonies orbiting Momhali. It is also part of the Momhali Defensive Alliance, a group of five minor powers.

The Momhali Defensive Alliance has been for years a fairly secretive alliance dedicated to clearing the entire Momhali system, some thirty major moons and eighty smaller moons, with a small asteroid field as well, of Great Power interference and to set themselves up as a fourth major power. The MDA has been moving towards this goal quietly, stirring up anti-Alphenan, -Gimelrekan and –Delathan sentiments amongst the populations of colonies in Momhali and beyond, and in the last year decided to act. Along with the Mohkair-sponsored rebellions on Lankur, the Jekraalans sponsored the rebellions in Gimelrekan colonies and the Jenoians did the same with the Delathan colonies, all the while trying to avert suspicions that any such Momhali alliance existed. The rebellions and their subsequent unions with Momhali powers, it is thought by the MDA, will cause the three main powers to send fleets to Momhali, and when that happens, the MDA will ensure that the three sides will find some cause to attack the others rather than the Momhali and instigate a general conflict that, hopefully, will leave the MDA as either a Great Power in their own right, or maybe even the sole Great Power.

Fighters in Use:

Ahtira (25): 4/7/5+/0, Bomber, No Hull Damage, Increased Damage-2

Weapon List

Name            Range    ACC    R/I/D    Other

Linear Accelerator Cannon--
Assault Mode        12    4+    1/1/1    Extra Hull Damage, Double Damage
Flash Mode        12    4+    1/1/1    Repeating, Area-Effect
Heavy Coil Cannon    12    4+    1/1/2    Piercing (1)
Light Coil Cannon    12    4+    1/1/1    “    “
Plasma Accelerator    9    4+    1/1/1    Range-Based ROF
Rocket Bay        15    4+    1/1/1    Variable ROF
Plasma Torch        6    4+    1/1/1    Range-Based Damage, Area-Effect, Piercing (1)
Flak Turret        3    3+    4/1/1    Area-Effect
Standard Particle Beam    9    3+    1/1/1

Lankura-class converted heavy freighter (472)
Hull: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Engines:  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Shields: 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1
Weapon Hit Chart: [VXY] [VXZ] [VXZ] [WXZ] [XY] [XY]
Battery V: Rocket Bay [ABC] [ABC] [ABC] [ABD] [ABD] [ABD]
Battery W: Linear Accelerator Cannon [G] [G]   
Battery Y: Plasma Torch [ACE] [ACE] [ACE] [BDF] [BDF] [BDF]
Battery Z: Flak Turret [ACE] [ACE] [ACE] [BDF] [BDF] [BDF]
Special: Carrier (100), Cargo (500)

The Lankura is an attempt to provide heavier firepower to the Union fleets. It is fairly useful in this role, being able to provide both long-range firepower in the form of rocket bays and LACs and short-range firepower in the form of plasma torches and flak turrets. A wing of four flights of Ahtira bombers rounds out the capabilities of this vessel, but Union admirals realise it is slow and not well-protected for its size, and always provide escort accordingly.

It is also useful for being able to support Likathir gunboats on long patrols or fleet actions in deep space, a useful consideration for the Union should the MDA's plans work.

Mohkairon-class monitor (434)
Hull: 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Engines:  1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Shields: 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1
Weapon Hit Chart: [VXZ] [VYZ] [VY] [WZ] [WZ] [XZ]
Battery V: Rocket Bay [ABCE] [ABCE] [ABCE] [ABDF] [ABDF] [ABDF]
Battery W: Linear Accelerator Cannon [A] [B] [G]   
Battery X: Linear Accelerator Cannon [A] [B] [G] 
Battery Y: Heavy Coil Cannon [ABCE] [ABCE] [ABDF] [ABDF] 
Battery Z: Standard Particle Beam [ABCD] [ABCD] [ABCD] [ABCD] [ABCD] [ABCD] [CDEF] [CDEF] [CDEF] 
Special: Armour Plating

An older design, the Mohkairon is designed as a defensive unit, capable of acting like an anvil for the enemy fleet to smash itself to bits on. It's two batteries of LACs are to enable one set to fire in one mode, while the second battery operates in another mode, or to combine both modes for an alpha strike.

Mohkair (A)-class cruiser (234)
Hull: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Engines:  3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1
Shields: 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1
Weapon Hit Chart: [VWZ] [VWZ] [VX] [VX] [WX] [WY]
Battery V: Heavy Coil Cannon [ACE] [ACE] [ACE] [BDF] [BDF] [BDF]
Battery W: Plasma Accelerator [ACE] [ACE] [ACE] [BDF] [BDF] [BDF] 
Battery X: Rocket Bay [AC] [AC] [BD] [BD]
Battery Y: Linear Accelerator Cannon [G]
Battery Z: Standard Particle Beam [ABCDEF] [ABCDEF] 
Special: Fire Control

The Mohkair (A) is the standard fleet cruiser. Slightly heavier armed than its Commonwealth counterpart, it lacks any fighters and is designed to operate in a similar fashion to the Mohkairon, apart from being faster and capable of more offensive action at the cost of survivability.

Mohkair (B)-class escort cruiser (408)
Hull: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Engines:  3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1
Shields: 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1
Weapon Hit Chart: [2V] [2V] [VW] [VW] [VW] [VW]
Battery V: Standard Particle Beam [ABCD] [ABCD] [ABCD] [ABCD] [ABCD] [ABCD] [ABCD] [ABCD] [CDEF] [CDEF] [CDEF] [CDEF]
Battery W: Flak Turret [ACE] [ACE] [ACE] [BDF] [BDF] [BDF] 
Special: Fire Control, Carrier (150), Launch Tubes

The Mohkair (B) is a dedicated escort vessel, aimed at providing anti-fighter firepower to Mohkair (A) cruisers and also providing a heavy fighter presence

Varkair -class destroyer (123)
Hull: 6 5 4 3 2 1
Engines:  3 3 2 2 1 1
Shields: 2 2 2 1 1 1
Weapon Hit Chart: [VWX] [VWX] [WXY] [WX] [WX] [WX]
Battery V: Rocket Bay [AC] [BD]
Battery W: Plasma Accelerator [ABCD] [ABCD] [ABCD] [ABCD] [CDEF] [CDEF] 
Battery X: Light Coil Cannon [ABCD] [ABCD] [ABCD] [ABCD] [CDEF] [CDEF] 
Battery Y: Standard Particle Beam [ABCDEF]
Special: None

The Varkair is similar in concept to the Mohkair (A), but an older vessel, built before the MDA was formed and the Union's primary objective was survival.

Behkoir -class patrol vessel (104)
Hull: 3 2 1
Engines:  3 2 1
Shields: 1 1 1
Weapon Hit Chart: [2VW] [2VW] [V2W] [V2W] [VWX] [VWX]
Battery V: Plasma Accelerator [AC] [AC] [BD] [BD]   
Battery W: Standard Particle Beam [ACE] [ACE] [BDF] [BDF]
Battery X: Plasma Torch [G]
Special: Carrier (50), Launch Tubes

The Behkoir is similar in concept to the Erlaza—a carrier with some measure of anti-ship firepower. It can operate either as part of a larger fleet or in a patrol squadron alongside Eralkirs and Likathirs or Varkairs.

Eralkir-class converted priority freighter (136)
Hull: 6 5 4 3 2 1
Engines:  3 3 2 2 1 1
Shields: 1 1 1 1 1 1
Weapon Hit Chart: [VX] [VX] [WX] [WY] [WY] [WY]
Battery V: Plasma Torch [ABC] [ABD]
Battery W: Flak Turret [AC] [BD] [CE] [DF]   
Battery X: Standard Particle Beam [AB] [ACE] [BDF]
Battery Y: Rocket Bay [AB] [AB] [AB]
Special: Carrier (25), Cargo (200)

The Eralkir was the first MDA design, able to both increase MDA firepower, enable smaller units to operate further away from home, and to enable colonies to build light naval forces in relative secrecy. It's not a very effective combat vessel, but it does improve light naval force's long-range firepower for not very much investment.

Likathir-class gunboat (15)
Hull: 1
Engines: 4
Shields: 1
Weapon Hit Chart: [V2W] [V2W] [V2W] [V2W] [V2W] [V2W]
Battery V: Plasma Accelerator [AB]
Battery W: Standard Particle Beam [AC] [BD]

The Likathir is a short-range patrol unit, and usually would support the Mohkairon in defensive scenarios by acting as the ‘hammer'.

Notes on the Likathir and Lankura/Eralkir:

In this setting, although there are no hyperdrives and thus no way to distinguish a truly long-range craft from a vessel that has the capability to operate for short periods but not much further, the Likathir is supposed to be a short-ranged craft and needs frequent resupply. If you wish to try and recreate the feeling of the setting, either a Lankura or Eralkir must be purchased to enable Likathirs to appear on the board. This is a suggestion only, and if you wish to field a Likathir-only fleet there is nothing to stop you...</r>

Re: Alphenan Commonwealth and Mohkair-Lankur Union

Some ideas for fleet compositions

Alphenan Commonwealth 500pts

(Note: I decided to limit the hull size to 6 or under, which is why there are no Fehalzas)

1 Malahza
1 Erlaza
4 Elraza

2 Malahza
3 Elraza

Mohkair-Lankur Union 500pts

1 Eralkir
1 Behkoir
1 Varkair
8 Likathir

2 Varkair
1 Eralkir
6 Likathir

2 Varkair
2 Behkoir
(Note: you could add two/three Likathirs to this force if you don't much care for the setting suggestions I made...)

Re: Alphenan Commonwealth and Mohkair-Lankur Union

EDIT: The CRat for the Eralkir was incorrect (123)--it has now been corrected to 136.

EDIT 2: The SPB arcs on the Fehalza were incorrect--this has now been corrected so it is more of an even broadside and not a B5W Llort-style layout.

Re: Alphenan Commonwealth and Mohkair-Lankur Union

An AAR using these ships has been posted in the main Starmada forum.

Here it is: