Topic: Wardogs - Starmada - Boarding

It seems to me that Mecha / Power Suits in Wardogs should have some sort of rules on boarding or landing on ships.

Examples of rules would be on how Mecha or power suits would be unable to be targeted by the same ship that they are in contact with. Power suited individuals should have a better chance of taking over or defending a Starship then regular marines.

Re: Wardogs - Starmada - Boarding

I know Todd and I talked about this.

Re: Wardogs - Starmada - Boarding

What sort of results did you guys come up with?

Re: Wardogs - Starmada - Boarding

I'm hoping Todd notices this, because I dont recall.

Re: Wardogs - Starmada - Boarding

Todd emailed me - he can't remember anything definitive about Wardogs and Boarding, and what isn't in storage doesn't say anything about it.

I seem to recall some rules on the forums here about using mecha in Starmada, or using fighters with a 'mecha' or boarding ability....

Re: Wardogs - Starmada - Boarding

I know Mike and I had a long conversation on this though I think it was on chat or something. Stupidly, I didn't make notes. I believe the gist of the conversation involved the use of boarding shuttles which would be treated as fighters subjected to starship point defense. Flying Dutchman attacks were not seriously considered due to both distances, velocities, and maneuvers of combatants involved. Surprise attacks would involve a great deal of luck, the infantry ship needing to slip in from beyond sensor range, stealth or drift into Dutchman range, and hope that the intelligence on the target ship is accurate and it is more or less stationary.