Topic: Merry Christmas from Iowa

It just shifted over into the 25th a few minutes ago. So it is officially Christmas in the Central Time Zone. Merry Christmas / Happy Hanuka / Joyous Yule / Fabulous Festivus / and so on and so forth to you all. May the next years of your life be the best years.

Re: Merry Christmas from Iowa

Merry Christmas to you in Iowa and everyone else.

The new year is a week away.  May it be a greater year for everyone.  There is so much to look forward to:

The Primary season and Election of 2012; lots of fun and games as we go throu the uniquely USA facinating process of choosing a Chief executive for the next 4 years.  My friends in Canada have told me that they enjoy it more that we do. :shock:

Also there are many folk who think the world will end in just under a year(!)  These doomsayers believe that the Mayan Calander predicts this.  I guess that if the Long-gone, human-sacraficing Mayans' calander says it will be, then is must be  <RLOL> lol

But even more exciting is that the new version of Starmada is coming out. 
I plan to make Federation, Klingon, and Romulan ships using the new system when i am back in Jacksonville.  I am going to get other players involved in regular play.  I know I can make this work.  The ease-of-play of the version will appeal to new players.

I am looking forward to a good 2012.  I realize that I can choose to make better, and not let circumstances prevent me from enjoying it .