Topic: Playing with Fire, The Terrible Truth and Fanning the Flames

Have deleted files due to finding errata when I started doing the SAE re-write of these supplements. Have decided to get rid of all SAE-based supplements.

Re: Playing with Fire, The Terrible Truth and Fanning the Flames

Deleted post

Re: Playing with Fire, The Terrible Truth and Fanning the Flames

Facinating.   8-)
These fleets are a little like the fleets in Battlestar Galactica:  Latge Battle-carriers as the big ships of the fleet.  Has anyone tried these out?  I have never used ECM because if I had different levels of ECM on my ships, it would be one more thing that I would have to keep track of and I try to make my ships simple to play.  I wonder how my ships would do against this fleet...