Topic: What's the dill, pickle?

Has anyone picked up the Starfleet Nova editions?  Do they rock the box?  Do they ruffle your feathers?  Do they do anything physical to you at all? smile  If I don't hear anything soon I'm going to break my golden rule and buy a pdf copy (when they come out). 

Re: What's the dill, pickle?

I'll answer my own questions.  Yes, me.  Yes.  No.  A little.  Streamlining is great.  Directional defenses a plus, as is "shield boxes before hull boxes."  These changes buy a little time to strategize before going boom.  Thumbs up!

Re: What's the dill, pickle?

I personally am having a lot of fun.  Ships must take damage, lotsa damage sometimes b4 losing their combat abilities are degraded.  The "Damage Check" after losing the first 1/3 of the hull and the "Crippled Check"  after the next third of hull boxes are lost is the same as "Threshhold Checks" in full Thrust.  My friends & I played this game extensively, but abandoned it for Starmada.  :ugeek:
Even the Ablative armmor is similiar to Armor in Full Thrust.  I was actually fiddling with a way to turn SAE into a hybred between Full Thrust & SAE bu doubling the hull hits, and after each 1/3, rolling a dice for each weapon, shield level, and engine level the same as in Full Thrust.  S:NE does this a bit better.
Bravo again S:NE Designers. 8-)