Topic: Fighters as seekers

I would to try simulating fighters as seekers instead as. .. Fighters.
So each such fighter 'weapon' will obviously skr but also slow to simulate the time needed to send and retreive waves of fighters.
They will be Gid as their attack value doesn't increase or decrease with range and their fire arc will be TT as they are not restricted by such a thing.
Fighter speed can be translated as range, for example 15 as a base, 12 if slw and 18 if fst.
The last two parameters are its attack and defense.
I suppose that the BAS can take care of wek (low BAS), medium or str (high BAS).
And its defensive traits can be nothing for frg, acr or dx2 for medium  and dx3 for tgh, although increasing its attack value to simulate its resistance is well. ... Weird.
What are your ideas?


Re: Fighters as seekers

I have made a ship like that.  It was interesting.  One advantage of this is that seekers with Acr & Cts are -4 to hit.  A dis advantage is that the "Carrier" must move into range of the hostile fleet...

Re: Fighters as seekers

I wondered how frg fighters could be distinguished from tgh when using seekers, with the same firepower. In fact, it's fairly simple. Make a standard fighter with a BAS 2 Dx 2, for example. A tgh fighter could have a lower BAS, for example 1.3 and Dx3 which is more resistant but with the same firepower, and a frg fighter could be BAS 4. That could be adjusted, of course.
