Topic: New Way to Bay Fighters?
With the proliferation of discussions on fighters earlier, I thought I would give a try to new fighter types and methods. One conclusion I came to, especially when using the (exceedingly clever!) SX Fighter sheet, was that traditional fighter bays didn't cut it when you started creating really unusual fighter types. In combination with a rule that lets fighters of the same type 'bunch' into larger flights during the fighter phase, this system has been working in neat ways:
Design Options:
“Fighter Racks” Cost: 40 SU
ALLOWS: Up to 35 CR of fighters to be carried and up to six fighters to be launched / turn. If a ship takes Racks, it must designate one and only one type of fighter which can be carried and launched by the racks.
“Fighter Bay”: 55 SU
ALLOWS: Up to 50 CR of fighters to be carried, and three fighters to be launched / turn.
“Tactical Fighter Bay”: 70 SU
ALLOWS: Up to 65 CR of fighters to be carried, and three fighters to be launched / turn
“Bomber Bay”: 80 SU
ALLOWS: Up to 75 CR of fighters to be carried, and three fighters to be launched / turn.
“Limited Flight Deck”: 100 SU
ALLOWS: Up to 80 CR of fighters to be carried / up to three launched.
“Flight Deck”: 130 SU
ALLOWS: Up to 110 CR of fighters to be carried / up to three launched.
“Launch Catapult” 15 SU
ALLOWS: An additional three fighters to launched/turn.
“Flat Top”: 5% total Sus
ALLOWS: Up to sixteen fighters to be launched/turn.
In this system, its a little harder to built uber-carriers, and launch facilities are a little more limited. Thus, a ship with just a bay can hold anywhere from six to eight fighters, but it might not have all the speed it desires at deploying them.
So, using these, I could construct a simple patrol cruiser with two "fighter racks" for 80 SU, and have it carry a small flight of three rapidly deployable fighters. I could also go all out and build a ship with Flat Top and three Flight Decks, taking up 390 and more SU, but allowing the carrying of up to 330 points worth of fighters, and simultaneous deployment on 25 of them.
So...too complicated, or a good way of dealing?