Topic: Looking for pictures and scale comparisons...

So there's this fantastic sale on at GZG.  However, I have a problem: I've never actually bought ship minis before, I've always used counters like the ones on Bourbaki.

So...does anyone have comments or pictures on how GZGs line scales to the Brigade, Cold Navy, and Call To Arms lines respectively?  'Cuase I love GZGs fighters, but most of their capital ships leave me cold -- and the opposite holds true for the other two lines.

So...thanks ahead of time!

Oh yeah....and does anyone have pictures of the new German light fighter or the Free Cal-Tex fighters for GZGs line?  I can't find em anywhere....


Re: Looking for pictures and scale comparisons...

BrotherAdso wrote:

So...does anyone have comments or pictures on how GZGs line scales to the Brigade, Cold Navy, and Call To Arms lines respectively?  'Cuase I love GZGs fighters, but most of their capital ships leave me cold -- and the opposite holds true for the other two lines.

Well....there's pics all over for the ships in the various galleries.

However, for a sense of scale, the CN ships are a bit larger than the Brigade and GZG counterparts.  Not much so however or enough to be detrimental to anything.  Don't have any Call to Arms stuff so can't answer you there.  Easy way to figure out scale difference from pics is to look at the figs relative size to the base...which is usually an inch or so in diameter if using the standard flight stands. smile

The newer GZG stuff is appealing to a lot of folks...but as I've mentioned elsewhere I find 'em a bit overdone on the widgets and assembly required.
smile  Hope that helps some.

Re: Looking for pictures and scale comparisons...

GZG ships and fighters are almost identical in scale to Brigade's stuff, although there is some variation between fleets and even generations of fleets...the new ESU ships are noticeably bigger, class-for-class, than the old ESU line, for ex.

Cold Navy minis are *much* larger than equivalent classes in FT.  A CN frigate makes an decent destroyer or heavy destroyer in FT terms, and their battleships are fair-sized superdreadnoughts.

A Call to Arms ships also tend to be bigger, on average, than FT ships, although only the very biggest ships (Bin'Tak dread, supercarrier) are actually larger than the big FT capital ships.

In general, I find GZG offers the best range of sizes and ship variety on the market, although Brigade pretty close as well.  ACTA and CN ships are bigger on average, but they lack the really small sculpts that would make their big models look impressive...when everything is big, nothing stands out real well.

That's my two cents, anyway.
