Topic: Anime-style SM wrote:

> I have some questions about the Anime style Spinal Mounts. 
> When one  of these weapons travels thru a hex containing
> fighters, drones, battle  sattalites, etc, do these get a
> "-1" to get by the 'mount?  Are mines  effected at all if
> they are in one of the hexes?

From the rulebook:

During the End Phase, a starship with a spinal mount must announce its intention to fire the mount in the next Combat Phase. When it comes time to fire the weapon, a target hex is nominated. Then, draw a line from the firing hex through this target hex, extending out to the Mount's maximum range. To hit rolls are made against every target in all hexes along this line of fire. There are no modifiers to these to-hit rolls, aside from those for short and long range.

So, the answer to all your questions is in fact "no".


Daniel Kast
Majestic Twelve Games