Topic: New fantasy skirmish game

I've been working on a new skirmish game, and thought it was about time to start getting some feedback on it.
The original design intent is for the fantasy genre, but I can see it easily crossing over into sci-fi or other genres. The game size will probably be similar to ARES, although games of 50+ models per side will be doable, depending on the number of wounds assigned to the models you're using. There is a complete point-costing system in place, as well as a working Excel spreadsheet, although both will be subject to tweaking over the next few weeks and months.
If anyone is interested in taking a look at this, you can reach me at:


Re: New fantasy skirmish game

What is exactly wrong with Ares?   I'd just like to get your opinion on why mj12 needs a new fantasy skirmish game. 


Re: New fantasy skirmish game

I understand this is kind of a successor to ARES?

What will the most salient differences be between ARES and Son of ARES?

Re: New fantasy skirmish game

smokingwreckage wrote:

I understand this is kind of a successor to ARES?

What will the most salient differences be between ARES and Son of ARES?

We could call the RPG based on it "The Valley of ARES"

Re: New fantasy skirmish game

"kevinsmith67206" <ksmith19@...> wrote:
>>I understand this is kind of a successor to ARES?
> Nope...
> This game has nothing to do with ARES.

>>What will the most salient differences be between ARES and Son
>>of ARES?
> This game doesn't use opposed die rolls. It uses a system where an
> attack attempts to generate one or more successes, while the
> defending roll attempts to block those offensive successes by
> generating defensive successes (similar to a number of games, most
> notably Heroscape).

I had a similiar idea with some game concepts I was dorking around with on the Future Past project (now more or less defunct)...

Difference was that I had the successes vs a straight target number - usually defined in the task, or an obvious target (ie # of armor points).

> A nice twist to this, though, is the game uses d4s through d12s, and
> there are three target numbers: 4, 8, and 12. Rolling a four or
> higher generates one success, rolling an eight or higher generates
> two successes, while rolling a twelve generates three successes. So
> the larger die types have much better chances of generating
> successes. Close combat (CC), ranged combat (RC), magic, and armor
> all use a stat that can range from 1d4 to 5d12.

I *like* that. It's very RPG-ish - but seems to me you'd slow the game up with all that dice rolling.

> The ultimate goal for this is to get a tabletop skirmish game
> working, and then take the mechanics into a dungeon setting. I
> believe this game might lend itself a little better to tracking
> experience than ARES.

Seems to be a RPG-based project to me, not a Wargame.

What kind of setting you looking at?

---posted from the Yahoo list---

Re: New fantasy skirmish game

> A nice twist to this, though, is the game uses d4s through d12s, and
> there are three target numbers: 4, 8, and 12. Rolling a four or
> higher generates one success, rolling an eight or higher generates
> two successes, while rolling a twelve generates three successes. So
> the larger die types have much better chances of generating
> successes. Close combat (CC), ranged combat (RC), magic, and armor
> all use a stat that can range from 1d4 to 5d12.

So, something along the lines of "Savage Worlds"  in terms of stats (I always wanted to convert Ares, but the MJ12 ability to do statistics are beyond me), but the mechanic of opposed die rolls is not really an issue. I'm a little worried about opposed die-rolls (dice-fests are a killer - one of the main reasons I dislike the new Starship Troopers game).

For Savage Worlds see:

> The ultimate goal for this is to get a tabletop skirmish game
> working, and then take the mechanics into a dungeon setting. I
> believe this game might lend itself a little better to tracking
> experience than ARES.

I think a generic (and 'balanced') game that can tackle a group of characters gaining experience would be a wonderful addition to the genre.   Some of the best games that GW has produced have a gang gaining experience in them.  If the game can be played against the dungeon/game and not against each other so much the better (Something akin to Mage Knight Dungeons).

I'm definitely interested!

Re: New fantasy skirmish game

I'm a bit wary of that 1,2,3 successes system. Sounds mathy. I know no-one on the MJ12 list should ever say this..... but I don't overly enjoy maths. If dice generate successes, I'd like to be able to square off successes by moving the dice with success-scoring-roll face-up. So if I line up 4 4's and my opponent lines up only three, it can be easilly seen who wins.

Just a thought.

Re: New fantasy skirmish game

Okay, got the beta rules. Am digesting. I may or may not have anything USEFUL to say about them wink