Topic: Grand Fleets 3

Well I have just discovered the game Grand Fleets and after reading some of the older posts I am wondering if work is still being done on Grand Fleets 3? If so when would the expected date of release possibly be?

Thanks Flux

Re: Grand Fleets 3

Work is being done. I stopped estimating a release date a long time ago (two moves and a baby in 18 months will do that smile ), but things are looking up recently.

Daniel Kast
Majestic Twelve Games

Re: Grand Fleets 3

I picked up GF II yesterday and am enjoying it very much.  I believe this will be the replacement I use for the tactical side of the GWAS series.

I especially like being able to convert the RL ships into their game stats.

If I may ask -what is the status for GF 3 - I'm interested particularly in the aircraft model and was wondering if there are any considerations for including airships (e.g., zeppelins) in the a/c model?

Also is Czars and Emperors slated for release?

Many thanks for your time!

Re: Grand Fleets 3

Aircraft in GF3 will be present, but in a fairly abstract way. I can see adding Zeppelins to the mix, although I admit I hadn't considered it until this point.

The problem with GF3 is the same problem I have with everything else on my personal wishlist; too little time. But rest assured, I haven't forgotten about it.

Daniel Kast
Majestic Twelve Games

Re: Grand Fleets 3

Aloha - excellent news - I know how wish lists go - my wish list has a wish list.

I really enjoy reading the rules and I think it's a great fit for our GWAS operational scenarios.  Hell I've already created a handful of ships based on RL info.   

I've looked at quite a few tactical variants - from GWAS advanced tactical to GWAS: Dreadnoughts to SKV.

GWAS and its add-on rules (dreadnoughts) didn't get the job done and SKV - well counting rivets doesn't lend for an expedited play.

I'm going to get together with a friend and kick the tires on this ruleset this week or next.

Re: Grand Fleets 3

cricket posted the following in this thread:

Yes. GF3 includes rules for both aircraft and submarines. Both are paid for out of your initial fleet allowance: for example, if playing a WW2 scenario, you can use up to 25% of your points to purchase aircraft.

Aircraft are split into "fighters" and "bombers". They do not move on the game board; instead, during each command phase, one side declares the use of bombers and the other declares whether or not to use fighters to intercept, then vice versa. Surviving bombers are placed on the board next to their targets. Ships may use AA guns to defend in the combat phase, at the end of which the remaining bombers attack. In the initial release, all aircraft have the same capabilities: this may change if there is enough demand for a separate air operations supplement.

Submarine counters are placed during the initiative phase, allowing ships to maneuver to avoid them during the movement phase. Their attacks are then resolved at the same time as other ships. Again, for now, all subs are the same.

Also from this thread:

cricket indicated that they are aiming for a pre-Christmas 2014 release!  Nice.

I'm quite excited that there will be air and subs. 

Anymore ship card previews?


Re: Grand Fleets 3

Aloha Tim - many thanks for the info - looking forward to the release of GF 3 too  wink

Re: Grand Fleets 3

Me too!!! I have been looking forward to the release for awhile.