Topic: Flotilla basing?

Hi all

As you may know, I've been playing around with the concept of flotillas for a few months, and at the moment am working on a setting I've tried a few times--that of a air, sea and land combined setting. In doing so, and especially with the land side, I've been toying with the idea of having land flotillas (or regiments as they'll be called) be capable of staying on a landcruiser. The basic idea is that a vessel that haves Transport (100) enables one flotilla, and Transport (150) a marine flotilla, to stack on it, benefit from the defences of the vessel, gets destroyed if the vessel is destroyed and uses its own arcs when firing its weapons. So far so good.

The main issue comes from damage. There are at least two options I can go for. One is to allow enemy ships to target the flotilla directly (maybe at a -1 to hit), and track damage separately. Another is to treat the flotilla/regiment as munitions, losing a hull point if it fails. A possible third (if the advantages are too great) is to combine the two and allow shooting at the flotilla/regiment directly and do a 'threshold check' against the flotilla/regiment.

What do you think?

Re: Flotilla basing?

Well, that's a nice even split...

I've decided, regarding this question, to have both options represented. One option simply has the flotilla/regiment be damaged/crippled when the carrying vessel is damaged/crippled. The second option allows targeting of the flotilla/regiment, but also allows damage to be dealt to the flotilla/regiment as a by-product of damage to the carrying vessel.