Topic: Question regarding damage
I may be missing something here but does the damage system in SX take into account the size of the ship. An example probably best describes what I mean.
The hit location system in SX is lovely and elegant and appears to be based on how much of a ship a system takes up. So the larger the percentage of the ship that the engines occupy, the more times it appears on the damage table i.e. it is more likely to get hit. Now if say a laser hits a large ship that has the same percentage of its space allocated to engines as a smaller ship then the chances of it hitting the engines is the same but should the damage effects be the same? i.e. one point of engine damage is as easy to inflict on a battleship as it is on a frigate.
Assuming percentages for both ships is the same, there is a lot more metal in a battleships drives than a frigates so should they not take more damage before being affected? Hull points represent the size difference but the hit boxes for crives/shields/special equipment are independent of the actual space they occupy.
If I have misunderstood the design rules feel free to hurl abuse as required! :oops: