Topic: Can't get the math on Seekers to work out

So, I believe I am supposed to plug in 16 rather then 183 to get the capacity for seekers.  However, when I try to replicate the standard seeker I can't get the math to come out right.

(16 x 49 x 10) = 7840
7840/6 = 1306.66
1036.66(sqrt) = 36.15?  Isn't the standard seeker supposed to be 15?  Which (probably obvious) part am I doing wrong here? 


Re: Can't get the math on Seekers to work out

You're either not applying the attack value (for 5+ you divide by 6) or the defense value (divide by 6 minus defense).

So, your calculation should be:

(16 x 49 x 10) = 7840
7840/6 = 1306.67
1306.66/6 = 217.78
sqrt(217.78) = 14.76 rounded up to 15

Daniel Kast
Majestic Twelve Games

Re: Can't get the math on Seekers to work out

<bonks head on desk>

As I said, I'm sure it would be obvious once someone else looked at it.  I forgot the defense value divider!  lol
