Re: Brainstorming: Federation Commander: Admiralty Edition
On fighters--yes, I'd forgotten the whole Dominion War thing, too, but I think it only goes to show how uncharacteristic they were. And the “fighters” in Trek weren't the nameless, faceless hordes of Galactica or Star Wars. (The kind of fighters Starmada replicates.) They were more like modern-day PT boats, or corvettes. Yes, fighters made an appearance, but in the main, Trek was about big ships in (thinly-disguised) age-of-sail type engagements. (And hey, SFB grognards, if you're going to use the film/tv shows to support your points, you can't have it both ways. Either it matters, or it doesn't. NYAH!)
This probably isn't going to be a question that is easily resolved. It appears that veteran SFB players want everything replicated, while the casual wargamer/Trekkie looks at drones, fighters and the like and says “huh?”
In the end, M12 is going to have to make the product that they feel stands out from the other incarnations of SFB (SFB, Fed Commander) and appeals to the broadest possible audience. Personally, I feel that the answer is to lean towards the feel of the movies, yet staying within the limits of the license, while making full use of the SFU. I'd submit GURPS Prime Directive and other rpg's based in the SFU as examples.
Both sides have presented their cases, the powers-that-be will just have to make a call. (Can we get an opinion from the Admiralty?)