Topic: Army Builder Question thread, Part 2!

Just to be sure.... can a flying APC or AFV be built? One version of the rules sais "no".

Also, are there costs for Flying Mecha or Anime Mecha?

Re: Army Builder Question thread, Part 2!

Technically, only frames listed in the vehicle builder chart are "official".  The line of reasoning against big, flying APCs was more a practical one than a balance one, i.e. in the terrain scale of a typical game (a typical table converst to 100 by 150 meters or so), it would be unlikely for large flying vehicles to have the kind of maneuverability that would keep them from "overshooting" the table during landing.

If your group is okay with it, there's no reason you couldn't take a basic (non-sprint, non-jump) APC or AFV frame and double its cost to make it a flier.

Re: Army Builder Question thread, Part 2!

Oh yeah, same reasoning for mecha: the jump ability seemed to best describe their movements in a small area, but again, balance should be okay if you just double a basic frame.