Topic: Not smart Scheduling...

I'm freezing my butt off here at home today (upper 30s lower 40s) cause the window guys couldn't wait til at least SPRING to replace my windows...and as the owner I gotta be here!  :?

Place has been wide open (no windows in it) for the last six hours...BRRRRR.  neutral

Oh well...least I'm not having to be at work.  big_smile

Re: Not smart Scheduling...

...for the next few days as you recover from your massive cold...:)

Always a silver lining...

Not sure what it is yet, but I'm sure you'll find one...:D

Re: Not smart Scheduling...

Didn't get sick (I rarely ever do) and they got the last window sealed up just as it started to rain.  :roll:

But my fingers and ears went numb for a while...least it's done and we're already noticing a difference in that it's not cold again 10 minutes after the heater goes off. And the wind isn't blowing through the house anymore...:)

(how's that for silver lining...)

Re: Not smart Scheduling...

I always thought silver conducted heat too well. I only use it for electrical contacts, too soft for structurual stuff....