Topic: Attack Vector: Starmada (Or, Starmada: Tactical?)

I like the 'near future/'real' space combat' feel/style of Attack Vector: Tactical, but the system itself isn't for me. Anyone have any thoughts/suggestions on how to achieve that sort of feel, primarily weapons/defenses-wise, with the SAE rules? As soon as I can find my copy of AV:T (and some free time), I'll try to post some suggestions - but until then, what do you all think?

Re: Attack Vector: Starmada (Or, Starmada: Tactical?)

I do have a copy of Squadron Strike, but not handy. I have not seen AV:T itself, so unfortunately I cannot give any specific answers to your question without more details.

However, in general, what do you mean by the "feel" of weapons vs. defenses?

Daniel Kast
Majestic Twelve Games

Re: Attack Vector: Starmada (Or, Starmada: Tactical?)

I found my copy of AV:T and had a read through the hopefully-relevant sections of the rules.

Here's what I've found:

Lasers do less damage as range increases, and those with the shortest range do the most damage. They can be 'downfired' (to make the high-output ones cycle faster) or fired in 'armor piercing' mode - the target  counts as being father away, but it penetrates armor better. They can also operate in an anti-missile mode, doing no real damage to ships.

Coilguns fire penetrator rods that have seeking sensors and rockets to correct their flight; their main purpose is to influence how the enemy maneuvers - but if they hit, it's a world of hurt. They can be shot down (and they can be armored against that). They fire a handful of small shells, a few medium shells or one large one.

Missiles are big things that can carry all kinds of neat toys - nukes (which hurt, if they go off close to the target), decoys, etc.

There's no shields/screens, only skin armor and armoring of internal components.

One of the basic analogies they use is that each ship is like a police officer with a firearm and a dog. You can't outrun the bullets, just hope that they miss or don't do too much damage. The dog is faster than you, but takes time to get there, and can be shot with the firearm, and you can maneuver against the dog.

I'm going to have to think on this, and read over SAE some more...

Re: Attack Vector: Starmada (Or, Starmada: Tactical?)

There are weapon traits that can cover some of the laser traits you describe. Right now weapons only have two modes in Starmada but this sounds like 4 modes.

Coilguns are seekers in Starmada. You could modify it so at the time of firing you decide which kind of shell/shells are being fired.

Missiles are either seekers or strikers... depends on how they maneuver in AVT. Both can have traits (like area effect).