Topic: Brigade acquires Celtos!

Freakin' cool! smile

Good job, Steve & Co...

How can we help?

Daniel Kast
Majestic Twelve Games

Re: Brigade acquires Celtos!

thanks Dan

The deal just appeared and we grabbed it, done in 2 weeks  :shock:   lol

now for the hard work..

rest assured the MJ12 fleets will continue to expand. Tony and Phil are not figure sculptors, so they will be concentrating on our existing models, esp IS


Re: Brigade acquires Celtos!

as for help

well the rules will need tweaking etc

do you lot know anything about rules?  :mrgreen:


Re: Brigade acquires Celtos!

steve @ brigade wrote:

as for help

well the rules will need tweaking etc

do you lot know anything about rules?  :mrgreen:


I think someone around here has done some work along those lines...


Daniel Kast
Majestic Twelve Games

Re: Brigade acquires Celtos!

Well, I'll wish you good luck with it, but I'm afraid you may need it.  Too many ugly minis in the existing range for my tastes, and the rules need more than just a tweaking.  Still, there does seem to be a lot of demand for (or at least interest in) the game online, so maybe that's just me.  A good set of "Celtic fantasy" rules and minis on the market would be nice, and heaven knows the Alternative Armies stuff isn't filling the niche very well.  Although I do like some of their Formorians, especially the shrimp with the giant rock/obelisk tied to his back.  Not exactly new, to be twenty years old by now.
