Topic: Brigade Models ship stats
Here are the ADED conversions of the Brigade Models ( ) starships for Starmada X.
These stats are taken from the Starmada X:Brigade originals (both the book and website-posted additions), and converted using the rules given in the Admiralty edition core rulebook and this forum post ( … mp;p=12218 ). I have had to change the names of some weapons to make everything work using the shipyard.
I converted all these designs a year or so ago, using Shipyard V4c.
I ought to add that these are straight conversions, from the old stats. I have not tried to balance or modify them.
First the Amrep fleet:
Ship name Old cost New Cost
Guardian 15 15
Shrike 15 17
Navajo 15 17
Harris 26 32
Oldendorf 32 28
Kinkaid 35 30
Ramage 54 62
Baltimore 61 75
Proudlock 65 78
Pittsburgh 87 104
Hunter 86 102
New Jersey 243 265
Lerchey 324 450
Kearsage 333 397
Ranger 631 735
Oriskany 1020 1087
Newman 713 772
Underwood 375 460
Several of these ships (Shrike, Navajo, Harris, Baltimore, Ranger, Oriskany) are slightly unbalanced in that they use more SU's than they have available, however this was mostly the case with the S:X incarnations as well. The carriers are the worst offenders.
Small Craft
I've made a guess at the fighters, as follows (As far as I can tell, specific stats for the fighters were never given)
Name Class Type Basic Size # Spd Atk Def Trait 1 Trait 2 Cap Reqt
Eagle Interceptor Fighter 183 6 10 5 0 50
Raptor Assault Fighter Fighter 183 6 10 5 0 Increased ROF-2 Piercing 84
Ships, smallest to largest
Type: , Guardian Class, AMREP Corvette (15)
Hull: 1
Engines: [TL0] 6
Shields: [TL0] 1
Weapons :1[2X], 2[2X], 3[2X], 4[2X], 5[2X], 6[2X]
Battery X: Light Laser (E) TL0, 3/6/9, 1/4+/1/1
[AB] [AB]
Special Equipment
Type: , Shrike Class, AMREP Corvette (17)
Hull: 1
Engines: [TL0] 6
Shields: [TL0] 1
Weapons :1[4X], 2[4X], 3[4X], 4[4X], 5[4X], 6[4X]
Battery X: Light Laser (E) TL0, 3/6/9, 1/4+/1/1
[AB] [AB] [AB] [AB]
Special Equipment
Type: , Navajo Class, AMREP Frigate (17)
Hull: 1
Engines: [TL0] 4
Shields: [TL0] 1
Weapons :1[2XY], 2[2XY], 3[2XY], 4[2XY], 5[2XY], 6[2XY]
Battery X: Light Laser (E) TL0, 3/6/9, 1/4+/1/1
[AB] [AB]
Battery Y: Fusion Torpedo (B) TL0, 3/6/9, 1/4+/3/1
Special Equipment
Type: , Harris Class, AMREP Missile Destroyer (32)
Hull: 2 1
Engines: [TL0] 5 3
Shields: [TL0] 2 1
Weapons :1[X], 2[X], 3[X], 4[X], 5[X], 6[X]
Battery X: Missiles (B) TL0, 6/12/18, 2/4+/1/1
[AB] [AB]
Special Equipment
Type: , Oldendorf Class, AMREP Torpedo Destroyer (28)
Hull: 2 1
Engines: [TL0] 5 3
Shields: [TL0] 2 1
Weapons :1[X], 2[X], 3[X], 4[X], 5[X], 6[X]
Battery X: Fusion Torpedo (B) TL0, 3/6/9, 1/4+/3/1
[AB] [AB]
Special Equipment
Type: , Kinkaid Class, AMREP Destroyer (30)
Hull: 2 1
Engines: [TL0] 5 3
Shields: [TL0] 2 1
Weapons :1[X], 2[X], 3[X], 4[X], 5[X], 6[X]
Battery X: Laser Cannons (E) TL0, 4/8/12, 1/4+/1/2
[AB] [AB]
Special Equipment
Type: , Ramage Class, AMREP Heavy Destroyer (62)
Hull: 3 2 1
Engines: [TL0] 5 4 2
Shields: [TL0] 2 2 1
Weapons :1[XY], 2[XY], 3[X], 4[X], 5[Y], 6[Y]
Battery X: Rail Cannons (K) TL0, 4/8/12, 1/4+/1/1
Extra Hull Damage
[AB] [AB]
Battery Y: Laser Cannons (E) TL0, 4/8/12, 1/4+/1/2
[AB] [AB]
Special Equipment
Anti-Fighter Batteries(4) :
Type: , Baltimore Class, AMREP Ballistics Cruiser (75)
Hull: 3 2 1
Engines: [TL0] 5 4 2
Shields: [TL0] 2 2 1
Weapons :1[X], 2[X], 3[X], 4[X], 5[Y], 6[Y]
Battery X: Fusion Torpedo (B) TL0, 3/6/9, 1/4+/3/1
[AC] [BD]
Battery Y: Missiles (B) TL0, 6/12/18, 2/4+/1/1
Special Equipment
Anti-Fighter Batteries(4)
Type: , Proudlock Class, AMREP Light Cruiser (78)
Hull: 3 2 1
Engines: [TL0] 6 4 2
Shields: [TL0] 2 2 1
Weapons :1[XY], 2[XY], 3[X], 4[X], 5[Y], 6[Y]
Battery X: Rail Guns (K) TL0, 3/6/9, 1/5+/1/2
Extra Hull Damage
[AB] [AB]
Battery Y: Point Defence Lasers (E) TL0, 1/2/3, 1/4+/1/1
Special Equipment
Anti-Fighter Batteries(4) : Countermeasures
Type: , Pittsburgh Class, AMREP Cruiser (104)
Hull: 4 3 2 1
Engines: [TL0] 4 3 2 1
Shields: [TL0] 3 3 2 1
Weapons :1[X], 2[X], 3[X], 4[Y], 5[Y], 6[Y]
Battery X: Rail Cannons (K) TL0, 4/8/12, 1/4+/1/1
Extra Hull Damage
[AB] [AB]
Battery Y: Laser Cannons (E) TL0, 4/8/12, 1/4+/1/2
[AB] [AB]
Special Equipment
Anti-Fighter Batteries(6) : Countermeasures
Type: , Hunter Class, AMREP Strike Cruiser (102)
Hull: 4 3 2 1
Engines: [TL0] 6 5 3 2
Shields: [TL0] 2 2 1 1
Weapons :1[XY], 2[XY], 3[X], 4[Y], 5[Y], 6[Y]
Battery X: Laser Cannons (E) TL0, 4/8/12, 1/4+/1/2
[AB] [AB]
Battery Y: Fusion Torpedo (B) TL0, 3/6/9, 1/4+/3/1
[AB] [AC] [BD]
Special Equipment
Anti-Fighter Batteries(6) : Countermeasures
Type: , New Jersey Class, AMREP Battlecruiser (265)
Hull: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Engines: [TL0] 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1
Shields: [TL0] 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1
Weapons :1[X], 2[X], 3[Y], 4[Y], 5[], 6[]
Battery X: X-ray Lasers (E) TL0, 5/10/15, 1/3+/1/2
[AB] [AB]
Battery Y: Missiles (NRM) (B) TL0, 6/12/18, 2/4+/1/1
No Range Modifiers
[AB] [AB]
Special Equipment
Fire Control : Hyperdrive
Anti-Fighter Batteries(15) : Countermeasures
Type: , Lerchey Class, AMREP Battleship (450)
Hull: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Engines: [TL0] 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1
Shields: [TL0] 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1
Weapons :1[XZ], 2[XZ], 3[Y], 4[Y], 5[Y], 6[Z]
Battery X: Plasma Cannon (E) TL0, 4/8/12, 1/4+/1/3
Continuing Damage
[AB] [AB]
Battery Y: Rapid X-ray Laser (E) TL0, 2/4/6, 2/3+/1/1
[AC] [AC] [BD] [BD]
Battery Z: Point Defence Lasers (E) TL0, 1/2/3, 1/4+/1/1
Special Equipment
Fire Control : Hyperdrive
Anti-Fighter Batteries(17) : Countermeasures
Type: , Kearsage Class, AMREP Battleship (397)
Hull: 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Engines: [TL0] 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1
Shields: [TL0] 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1
Weapons :1[X], 2[Y], 3[Z], 4[Z], 5[], 6[]
Battery X: Heavy Rail Cannon (K) TL0, 5/10/15, 1/4+/1/2
Extra Hull Damage, Piercing
[AB] [AB]
Battery Y: Fusion Torpedo (B) TL0, 3/6/9, 1/4+/3/1
[AB] [AB]
Battery Z: Light Laser (E) TL0, 3/6/9, 1/4+/1/1
[AC] [AC] [BD] [BD]
Special Equipment
Fire Control : Hyperdrive
Anti-Fighter Batteries(20) : Countermeasures Anti-Fighter Batteries(5) :
Type: , Ranger Class, AMREP Light Carrier (735)
Hull: 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Engines: [TL0] 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1
Shields: [TL0] 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1
Weapons :1[X], 2[X], 3[Y], 4[Y], 5[], 6[]
Battery X: Particle Beam (E) TL0, 4/8/12, 1/4+/2/1
Extra Hull Damage, Piercing
[AB] [AB]
Battery Y: LR Rail Cannon (K) TL0, 5/10/15, 1/4+/1/1
Extra Hull Damage
[AB] [AB]
Special Equipment
Carrier (250) : Hyperdrive
Anti-Fighter Batteries(20) : Countermeasures Armor Plating Anti-Fighter Batteries(3) :
Small Craft carried:
Fighter, Interceptor:(250) # 6/Speed:10 /Attack:5 /Defence:0 /Traits:,,,0 / Flights:5 4 3 2 1
Type: , Oriskany Class, AMREP Attack Carrier (1087)
Hull: 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Engines: [TL0] 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1
Shields: [TL0] 4 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1
Weapons :1[X], 2[X], 3[Y], 4[], 5[], 6[]
Battery X: Particle Beam (E) TL0, 4/8/12, 1/4+/2/1
Extra Hull Damage, Piercing
[AB] [AB] [AB] [AB]
Battery Y: Fusion Tropedo Type B (B) TL0, 4/8/12, 1/4+/1/3
Special Equipment
Carrier (500) : Hyperdrive
Anti-Fighter Batteries(8) : Countermeasures Armor Plating Anti-Fighter Batteries(20) :
Small Craft carried:
Fighter, Interceptor:(500) # 6/Speed:10 /Attack:5 /Defence:0 /Traits:,,,0 / Flights:10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Type: , Newman Class, AMREP Dreadnaught (772)
Hull: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Engines: [TL0] 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1
Shields: [TL0] 5 5 5 4 4 4 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1
Weapons :1[X], 2[X], 3[Y], 4[Y], 5[], 6[]
Battery X: Heavy Rail Cannon (K) TL0, 5/10/15, 1/4+/1/2
Extra Hull Damage, Piercing
[AB] [AB] [AB]
Battery Y: X-ray Lasers (E) TL0, 5/10/15, 1/3+/1/2
[AB] [AB] [AB] [AB]
Special Equipment
Fire Control : Hyperdrive
Countermeasures Anti-Fighter Batteries(20) : Anti-Fighter Batteries(14) :
Type: , Underwood Class, AMREP Light Fleet Carrier (460)
Hull: 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Engines: [TL0] 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1
Shields: [TL0] 4 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1
Weapons :1[XY], 2[X], 3[Y], 4[Y], 5[Y], 6[Y]
Battery X: SR Laser cannon (E) TL0, 3/6/9, 1/4+/1/2
[AB] [AB]
Battery Y: Point Defence Lasers (E) TL0, 1/2/3, 1/4+/1/1
[AB] [AB] [AC] [AC] [BD] [BD] [EF]
Special Equipment
Carrier (250) : Hyperdrive
Anti-Fighter Batteries(17) :
Small Craft carried:
Fighter, Interceptor:(250) # 6/Speed:10 /Attack:5 /Defence:0 /Traits:,,,0 / Flights:5 4 3 2 1</r>