Topic: More FSE

Did these up from primer to sealer today.  Finally found a wash I like and could get to behave.  Oh, and they aren't as shiny as they look, the light was a little too close and they were still just a little wet after sealing.

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Re: More FSE

You know, I wouldn't have thought that brown would work as a color for starships, but these look great!

Daniel Kast
Majestic Twelve Games

Re: More FSE

Me either, but I wanted the dark red stripe down the middle without it looking too much like a Republic Cruiser or an Acclamator, so I decided to try the brown.  I'm quite happy with the combo.

Re: More FSE

Yeah - nice paint job....

Re: More FSE

Nice. Back in sculpture class, they showed us how to simulate bronze in paint. Start with a base coat of black. Drybrush a layer of brown, not covering all the black. Then add an even lighter layer of red-orange. Adds a ton of dimension. Much more than just bronze paint alone (which I'll sometimes use as a final finish, even lighter.)

You can do the same trick with other color combinations, too.