Topic: Solo rules?

I didin't find any topic about that, but did someone made some solo rules?


Re: Solo rules?

Hmmm... … olo#p18005 seems to suggest that there were solo rules in the Compendium, but that was a previous edition.  I make do with standard rules when I play solo, though the card system suggested at the bottom of the linked thread looks entertaining enough that I may have to try that next time.

Re: Solo rules?

Before KA came out, I wrote up a Kirk vs. Khan duel. To simulate the element of surprise, I monkeyed with the movement rules (using non-vector, old-style movement.) From my notes:

Each starship gets its movement split into two halves: random and directed (round any fractions in favor of directed movement.) “Directed movement” is simply whatever movement you think will best position your ship for the turn: look at the map, make tactical decisions, and chart your course.

“Random movement” represents the unexpected nature of trying to second-guess an opponent, and is accomplished as follows: number the directions your ship might go, from 1 to 6. Roll a die. Attempt to move in that direction: first turning, then using up any leftover movement points, travelling in a straight line. Each ship may choose to take the random segment either first or second.   

---produced just the right amount of "whoops, guessed wrong" without becoming a wild goose chase.