Topic: KA - Ship Sheet PDFs?


Any chance of seeing PDFs of the ship sheets from KA and RA once its comes out?   Trying to flatten out a book and make photo copies or cutting the binding off and three holing the book just to make copies is so LAST CENTURY.   Having PDFs to print 3 of this and 4 of that on a moments notice is SO much more handy.   

Case in point, how lazy ive apparently become...  I really like KA, played the playtest, bought the game and read it cover to cover.   I have NEVER played the real game simply because its a pain to get ship sheets. once my friends and I get together, pick our fleets then have to run off the local copy shop and run copies...  then back to play...  we usually think about it then pull out another game instead.   Its a pain.  I know that TFG lives in this model but they thrive on selling laminated reusable ship sheets so PDFs are bad for their business, but for KA its REALLY needed.


Re: KA - Ship Sheet PDFs?

I think there is a PDF available for something like $5 at the Steve Jackson webstore.

I made my own files to print.

Re: KA - Ship Sheet PDFs?

Sergeant Crunch wrote:

I think there is a PDF available for something like $5 at the Steve Jackson webstore.

I made my own files to print.

I'll have to check that out.  Thanks.