Topic: KA drone varieties
The drone rack in Klingon Armada is equivalent to "Carrier 12". For those of us that have played Star Fleet Battles, we know that there are more than 1 type of drone. So, if both players agree to this allow other drone types, here are some others they can select from. Remember, the total Carrier Capacity = Drone Racks X 12.
Size 4, Speed 8, Attack 4+ (12 capacity)
Size 4, Speed 10, Attack 4+ (13 capacity)
Size 4, Speed 10, Attack 5+ (11 capacity)
Size 3, Speed 12, Attack 4+ (12 capacity)
Size 3, Speed 8, Attack 4+, Imp 2 (13 capacity)
Size 3, Speed 8, Attack 4+, Dmg 2 (13 capacity)
Size 3, Speed 8, Attack 3+ (11 capacity)
Size 2, Speed 12, Attack 4+, Dmg 2 (12 capacity)
Size 2, Speed 12, Attack 4+, Imp 2 (12 capacity)
Speed 8 is approximately "slow drones", speed 10 is "medium speed drones", and speed 12 are the "fast drones". The Impact-2 and Damage-2 represent the double damage drones that take up twice as much room as regular drones.
I don't know how much this will impact the balance of K.A. It's just a thought I had on my way home from work last night.