Topic: News books and VBAM

Sorry if those subjects have already been discussed.
I currently own Klingon Armada and I'm waiting for Romulan Armada. I also have Imperial Starmada and Hammer & Claw, which are really good books. Wille there be other books published in the near future?

Also, If I buy a VBAM book, I suppose the ships could be used but need to be adapted?


Re: News books and VBAM

Dan has said in another thread that there will be another Trek book, maybe a couple. I think the aim is to have Three or Four months between new books.

With regards VBAM, any Starmada ship entered in the shipyard has the VBAM stats given for the first edition.

Keep an eye on the VBAM forum, there is a Trek/VBAM book in the works but that may be a little while yet. Meanwhile the first edition campaign guide could be used for any setting.
