Topic: Starmada stats for BFG Torps
Hi All,
Our group is just getting into Starmada and we're quite excited! Our first project is to convert our BFG fleets to Starmada stats. Overall is pretty straight forward - except for how to deal with Torps.
For those familiar with Gothic you'll know that going either direct fire or seekers both have their pros and cons.
Direct fire Pros: Fire arc, ROF correct
Direct fire con: no missiles on the board!
Seeker pros: missiles on the board (i.e. can interact with fighters)
Seeker con: very difficult to simulate ROF correctly and no restriction on fire arcs
First I'm interested on what others have done for their BFG ships. The ultimate goal is to have fun with a 40k feel, not to utterly simulate Gothic (otherwise we'd just play gothic) - so I'd love it if you could relate your experiences.
Second, I think hybrid solution would be useful for both Gothic and for other genres. I'd like to come up with some rules for "Striker/Seeker Launchers". This would just expand on what is already in Romulan Armada for the plasma torp lauchers in seeker mode. Basically instead of taking carrier space on your ship, you'd purchase a weapon with a fire arc and an ammo rating. This weapon would be able to launch 1 flight of seekers per turn (completely separate from any carrier rating) in the end phase targeting an element in the appropriate fire arc. Any suggestions on how to calculate SU and OR/DR? What was done for Plasma Torps?
Third, it would be great to be able to have flights of 2, 3 and 9 too. Any reason why the standard equation couldn't be used for these numbers?