Topic: Klingon Armada ship design - another newbie question


Looking through the files section and nosing around a couple of the spreadhseets there; is there a pretty straightforward spreadsheet that will enable me to build Klingon & Romulan Armada ships (i.e. WITH faceted shields) and then output a record sheet displaying everything I need to play (again, with faceted shields laid out) for my RPG players?

Thanks in advance for any help,

Re: Klingon Armada ship design - another newbie question

I did a one off game with some homebrewed KA,RA style ships a while back.

I used one of the many good ship builders found in the files section and used the existing ships in those products as a baseline. Using the same exact weapons that are found on the official ships ensures your ship will feel very similar.

Most of the ship creation spreadsheets I've used have faceted shields as an option, and a alot of them already have KA,RA items included (tractor, plasma etc).

For your needs, I'd look at using the MJ12 Shipbuilder for starters. It's very good. Once you have mastered getting what you want out of that, you can move to the sheets with a few more options.

MJ12 Shipbuilder

Myshipbuilder 8 (one I primarily use now)

Hope that helps, good hunting!

Re: Klingon Armada ship design - another newbie question

That helps a load, thanks. The myshipbuilder seems to handle everything I need, and in a pretty intuitive fashion. Thanks again for the pointer.