Topic: Help with Starblazer-esque conversions

Is anyone aware of any small scale naval models that I could kit-bash
and convert into space-ship models that would look sort of like the
"Wet-Navy in Space" look that some of the Starblazers ships have going on?

I'm thinking MAYBE that 1:3000 scale models would do, though I'm not
dead-set on that size.  Most of the models I've seen are waterline
models intended for gaming, but I'd need full-hull models to mount them
on flying stands and have them look right.  I don't want to have to
sculpt the hulls.

Any help is appreciated.  Thanks.


Re: Help with Starblazer-esque conversions

FlakMagnet wrote:

I'm thinking MAYBE that 1:3000 scale models would do, though I'm not
dead-set on that size.

I wouldn't go any smaller than 1:2400 (the scale of the Iron Stars minis)... but that's me. smile

I've considered doing something similar to what you're thinking; the biggest problem is what to do about the keel -- flat bottoms in space just don't look right.

Daniel Kast
Majestic Twelve Games

Re: Help with Starblazer-esque conversions

Subs. Submarines that is. Gun up the Hulls and your on. Otherwise just pick up some starblazers off of some auction site and save a lot of time. Not that the effort to convert isn't worthwhile in its own right.

Re: Help with Starblazer-esque conversions

...or, my understanding is that these are still in production. The ships are fairly small, but the pricing is pretty reasonable. Newer designs are being produced in resin, but I believe the older stuff is still available direct in pewter.

I believe this to be the current license holder for the miniatures:

Hope this is of use!


Re: Help with Starblazer-esque conversions

Some companies also sell naval gun kits to dress up scale models, the submarine option works as well as some of the Japanese bomb/missile kits for a more streamlined tubular "spam in a can" look.

Re: Help with Starblazer-esque conversions

Might be a bit off topic, but i bought a bunch of these in japan.

<IMG src="">;imgrefurl=;usg=__RWa6tiyatAyZ0ZbFTIR1bXzxii8=&amp;h=320&amp;w=349&amp;sz=36&amp;hl=en&amp;start=1&amp;zoom=1&amp;tbnid=dZlDDF8E63mD6M:&amp;tbnh=110&amp;tbnw=120&amp;ei=ScTzTdTlLo6IuAOLiZW8Bg&amp;prev=/search%3Fq%3Dimages%2Bmegahouse%2Byamato%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26hs%3DmG%26sa%3DX%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26biw%3D1280%26bih%3D583%26tbm%3Disch%26prmd%3Divns&amp;itbs=1&amp;biw=1280&amp;bih=583</IMG>

seen them cheap on ebay.  Perfect scale against most minis (full thrust, IMW etc)