Topic: Romulan Armada Plasma Torpedo Examples?
I purchased Romulan Armada from e23, and I'm confused how to handle the "attack" when a Plasma Torpedo is launched as a seeking weapon and reaches range 1.
Does the "size" value determine how many damage points the torp does when it hits? What's the IMP value of a plasma torpedo? Those values are presented for the Plasma Bolt option, but they don't seem to be listed in the "seeking" profiles on page 34!
So when I launch a Plasma S during the End Phase (like a fighter launch?) and it reaches the target the next turn, would I handle the hit this way?
Roll five (5) "attack" dice at 5+ to hit, with a IMP value of -- ? and doing DMG of -- ?
Are there any examples to show how to do this that I'm just not seeing?