Recently, I have been amusing myself trying to convert the ships of Attack Vector: Tactical to Starmada versions. I have found that doing this requires a Trait resembling Delayed Fire.
Ballistic taken as a Trait would be fired at a point rather than a ship. Range Modifiers would be taken from the distance to the Point-Of-Aim. If the shot hit, an ordinance marker would be placed at the Point-Of-Aim. If the shot missed, a die 6 would be rolled for scatter, shifting the placement of the marker by one Range Unit. A roll of 1 would shift it Forward of the Point-Of-Aim, a roll of 2 would shift it Forward & Starboard, a roll of 3: Aft & Starboard, a roll of 4: Aft , a roll of 5: Aft & Port, and a roll of 6: Forward & Port.
The ordinance marker could be fired upon as though it were a boarding pod, breacher,fighter, striker, or seeker. If a target comes within range of the marker during the next turn, it may be fired upon using the distance between the target and the marker to determine range Modifiers. Within range of the marker means in this context, whatever is left of the weapon's original range after having the distance between the original firing point and the final placement ( after scattering) of the ordinance marker subtracted. As an example, a missle with a range of 15 is fired at a Point-Of-Aim that is 10 Range Units away. It could then fire at a target that came within a range of 5.
While it would be reasonable to give this the same multiplier as Inverted Range Modifier, I am presently counting the vulnerability to countering fire as a severe enough disadvantage to cancel any positive multiplier. I am counting this as having no Space Unit Multiplier unless the Ballistic weapon is armored. I have not yet worked out the details of how to cost an armored ordinance marker.
In any case, the ordinance markers could be fired upon and would be removed from the board immediately if hit. This would require that ordinance markers fire after ships.
The only advantage that I can see for this Trait is that like the weapons from Attack Vector: Tactical that I am trying to model, it influences the way that ships maneuver. A player will try to move his ships away from ordinance markers.
The principle disadvantage that I can see to this Trait is that if you have too many weapons with this Trait, the playing area will become cluttered with ordinance markers.