Topic: We're moving!

Just a few more days before the big move! Majestic Twelve Games is going cross-country, from the mountains of Colorado to the land of beer and cheese -- otherwise known as Wisconsin.

What does this mean for you?

Not a heck of a lot. However, it does mean that we might be a little slow responding to emails and such for the next week or so...

Daniel Kast
Majestic Twelve Games

Re: We're moving!

Oh, sure, I just figure out that MJ12 is located in my town, and you move away! To the state we lived in before we lived in Colorado, ironically.

Re: We're moving!

Now in Milwaukee. Not exactly settled yet, but at least the moving part is over...

Daniel Kast
Majestic Twelve Games

Re: We're moving!

Welcome to the land of cheese and beer.

Re: We're moving!

Tis a gouda land...

Re: We're moving!

There is a game con in March over in nearby Geneva about an hour SW of Milwaukie you may want to check out as time allows Dan.