Topic: Ordnance Cell Array

Hi all.

In some of my universes I use the concept of the Ordnance Cell Array. Essentially, its a way of customising a missile loadout so that the enemy never knows what you've got. You could fire heavy anti-ship weapons or anti-fighter, or a combination of the two.

Now, how can you factor that in to a Starmada-X game? Could you have various 'weapons' that you can fit in to the vessel? Variants? Or is there some other way to do it?

Re: Ordnance Cell Array

I would just make a new ship with the different weaponry and save it as a refit.

Is that what you were asking?

Re: Ordnance Cell Array

Yeah, essentially.

I was hoping that there was a simpler way to do it, but I needed someone elses opinion...:(


Re: Ordnance Cell Array

murtalianconfederacy wrote:

In some of my universes I use the concept of the Ordnance Cell Array. Essentially, its a way of customising a missile loadout so that the enemy never knows what you've got. You could fire heavy anti-ship weapons or anti-fighter, or a combination of the two.

Now, how can you factor that in to a Starmada-X game? Could you have various 'weapons' that you can fit in to the vessel? Variants? Or is there some other way to do it?

This has come up as a question before... been awhile, so I don't remember where it went.

My first question, is do you mean to make changes between battles? or mid-battle?

If you mean between battles, I would tackle this by finding a way to have customizable drones (like fighters) - which has also come up here before, but I don't know who has done what with that idea. Then you could just load out with different drones for each battle.

If you mean during battles, this would be a lot harder. Off the top of my head...

ROF/PEN/DMG would likely need to stay the same, but if you had two weapon enhancements you could add a third that could allow you swtich back and forth. This would get expensive, I imagine, and there would need to be a declaration of which enhancement was in play for the turn - probably in the end phase.

Re: Ordnance Cell Array

murtalianconfederacy wrote:

I was hoping that there was a simpler way to do it, but I needed someone elses opinion...:(

The way in which Starmada point costs are determined (multiplicative rather than additive, with that pesky square root involved) means that there is no reliable way to have 'swappable' components without re-computing the entire point cost for each configuration.

Sorry. sad

Daniel Kast
Majestic Twelve Games

Re: Ordnance Cell Array

The way in which Starmada point costs are determined (multiplicative rather than additive, with that pesky square root involved) means that there is no reliable way to have 'swappable' components without re-computing the entire point cost for each configuration.

That's a cop-out Dan smile

I like Noel's idea, of adding a "Swappable" special ability which flip flops the "load" of the weapon. 

and to point cost it, you would use the same formula as you have now. But give swappable a .75 multiplier. with the limitation that you can't have a swappable weapon that uses a special ability with a multiplier less than 1.

What it amounts to is a limitation in the weapon rather than a "value-adder".  In other words, imagine, if you will,

1/1/1 extra hull damage/ignores shields/swappable

Normally, I would use the ignores shields AND the repeating abilities simultaneously, however, I must now choose between the two. Thus I am less effective than the weapon as a whole, but somewhat more flexible. And it allows you to model the hot swap loads of various missile systems.
