Topic: Tailing Q

kevinsmith67206 wrote:

> Just a quick question on AaD.
> In the demo version there aren't many rules or effects for
> one aircraft tailing another. Are there additional rules in
> the released version for tailing, or do the demo rules have
> everything there is?

Er... I don't know.


Daniel Kast
Majestic Twelve Games

Re: Tailing Q

no, there arent' any more rules for tailing.

Each turn your front arc is in the enemy's rear arc, you are tailing. You're +1 to hit for each turn tailing. 

That's all, simple and yet difficult to even get to the point where you are actually tailing smile

Re: Tailing Q

Not having looked at the released version of the rules yet, some of the following thoughts may or may not apply.
I'd think there should be general gunfire mods, those possibly being:
Firing plane in target's rear (60 degree) arc: +0 Firing plane in target's side (120 degree) arc: -2 Firing plane in target's front (60 degree) arc: -1

The tailing benefit would then entitle a tailing plane to see the card's of the plane being tailed, and automatically win the initiative roll against the plane being tailed.
Just how you'd do this in a scenario with a lot of planes gets a little tougher, but a tailing plane should always be able to see how where the plane it is tailing is moving. I believe the pilots of planes in a tailing position could see both the rudder and elevators of the planes they were tailing.

Each maneuver card has an initiative number associated with it... so the easiest thing might be to allow a pilot who is tailing the ability to shift his initiative number up or down one after the cards have been revealed, depending upon whether he wants to move before or after his opponent.

Just a thought...

Daniel Kast
Majestic Twelve Games

Re: Tailing Q

I can see the benefit of knowing where your opponent is going to move. However, The tailing rules are meant to be simple, like the rest of the game.  This Ain't Blue Max, Man.

There are no rules in the "full game" that aren't in the demo, you simply get the bonus stuff in the full game, like plane quirks and special maneuvers. The game is completely playable with only the demo rules and the provided plane record cards.

There may be room for more complicated tailing rules, but in my experience (as a WWI flying ace :wink:), tailing is a difficult thing to get and the -1 target number is bonus enough for anyone. Here's the chart 'case you care...

Targ Turn    Turn    Turn    Turn
#    1        2        3        4
2    150%    200%    250%    300%
3    133%    167%    200%    233%
4    125%    150%    175%    200%
5    120%    140%    160%    180%
6    117%    133%    150%    167%

In other words, if your target number is 4, and you've been tailing for 2 turns, you're 150% more likely to hit the target with each shot so you become a force to be reckoned with each turn you have him in your front arc and you are in his rear arc.

Note, that you need not be capable of hitting, simply in the correct arcs.

That said, I guess you could implement Dan's suggested tailing rule as an optional rule, but I wouldn't recommend using the +1 too.  Either one or t'other but not both.[/i]