Blacklancer99 wrote:I'll just say that the way BAS works in designing ships is the single most difficult thing for me to digest in the new rules. I don't think I am the only one who has difficulty with "visualizing" a given weapon with the new system. Maybe it's just the limitation of my frequently overloaded brain, but it is far far easier for me to visualize a ship-killing laser cannon with beam-like qualities that slices up targets with the SAE statistic "string" and possible traits, than it is to do the same with SNE BAS and traits. I would compare it to someone that can speak a foreign language, but cannot think in that language and therefore has to do a mental translation in his head before speaking, and then translate anything spoken to him before he can comprehend it. It gets laborious, and often frustrating. I feel the same when trying to muddle out a weapon's BAS. I think, "ok, the laser is a single shot a turn, but rakes across a target it hits, so it would have say an IMP of three, ok so, is a BAS of 3.25 each good? Too much?" Maybe as I play around with the system more I will get a better "feel" for how it works, but as it is right now I must admit it is a lot easier for me to do the base weapon in SAE terms and convert it. At least I feel like I have some consistency that way. Maybe I just need someone to explain it to me r-e-a-l s-l-o-w, with visual aids.
I had a nice long post on my thought process about designing weapons, and the computer honked it up.
So in lieu of retyping it, I'll be brief(er) this time.
When designing a weapon system simply do the following.
Set the BAS at 1.
Set the BAS at 1.
Decide what arcs you want.
Decide how many dice you want in those arcs.
For example, a main battery might have the following:
FX8, PB4, SB4, AX8
And because it's a main battery, I might give it Dx2.
This gives me eight dice fore and aft, four dice to each side, with a really nice overlap to each side from the fore and aft arcs.
In Nova, think more about arcs, number of dice in those arcs, and any traits to help flesh out the weapon system's offensive capability.
And again, until you've designed a few weapons, simply leave the BAS at 1. Once you've designed a few, you can think about tweaking the BAS to slightly modify the dice progression.