to calculate a logarithm one needs two values: the BASE of the logarithm and the number of which to calculate the logarithm.
scientific notation: [size=150]log[/size][size=85]2[/size] [size=150]8[/size] = 3, because of [size=150]2 ^ 3 = 2*2*2[/size] = 8, where 2 is the base of the logarithm. (sorry, no [sup] and [sub] here.)
most calculators use the keys "log" for [size=150]log[/size][size=85]10[/size] x and "ln" for [size=150]log[/size][size=85]e[/size] x for the 10th and e-th logarithm (with e=2.718...). (
to calculate a logarithm of base 2 like [size=150]log[/size][size=85]2[/size] 8 = 3 on such calculators, you have to type this:
"log 8 / log 2" or "ln 8 / ln 2" both equals "3" due to the calculation laws of logarithms. (see also: )
in S:NE there are logarithms of base sqrt(0.5), so "log(X) / log(sqrt(0.5))" have to be typed on a calculator*.
*) modern ones uses the algebraic notation, so one can type "log" + "X" ...
older ones uses log as a suffix-notation, so one have to type 1) "X" 2) "log"
(sorry for the bad english)