Topic: The Warring Triumvirate

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Re: The Warring Triumvirate

I've also posted the file in the MJ12Games Yahoo group just in case it gets lost again.

Re: The Warring Triumvirate

I noticed that the Olhaz-Va-Stanlah, for some reason, had a plasma mine with an arc of ABC, when it should be ABCD.

If anyone wants to propose scenarios, or even some new ship variants, please share, and if I like them I'll add them to the book.

I might bite the bullet and add some raider ships, both Zharak-Jilan designs and Olhaz designs, as well as some freighter designs.

But apart from that, how do people like the ships so far?

Re: The Warring Triumvirate

Another revision will be up, hopefully tomorrow, but I noticed that the plasma mine's stats itself was incorrect--it should have read carronade instead of non-piercing. This has been corrected in the ship list above, but I've not yet corrected the PDF file yet, as I hope to put the raiders and freighters I've designed up. Apologies all for the two revisions in one day, seems like I should have done some more proof-reading than I did...:(

Re: The Warring Triumvirate

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Re: The Warring Triumvirate

Work is progressing nicely on a supplement/expansion of this setting. The name of the supplement/expansion is...The Veiled Serpent. Yeah, not the best of titles, but it is all explained. This time, however, I will try to get everything sorted out before I post it up to cause the minimum of frustration...:)

Re: The Warring Triumvirate

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Re: The Warring Triumvirate

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Re: The Warring Triumvirate

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Re: The Warring Triumvirate

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Re: The Warring Triumvirate

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Re: The Warring Triumvirate

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Re: The Warring Triumvirate

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Re: The Warring Triumvirate

murtalianconfederacy wrote:

I've also posted the file in the MJ12Games Yahoo group just in case it gets lost again.

I'de like to join this group but cant seem to find it.  Can you point me to a URL?



Re: The Warring Triumvirate

I don't have the link to the group at the moment, and once I had to fiddle around with the file to get rid of all the errors that really wound me up (I like to try and get everything perfect) I decided to take it down.

If you haven't found it yet, ask on the General forum and someone should be able to provide a link...:)

As a second aside, has anyone gamed with these vessels yet, and if so, how did you find them?

Re: The Warring Triumvirate

Just to let people know that I am working (albeit verrry slooowlllly) on conversions for this supplement from SAE to SFO. Have done the Zharak and almost finished on the Olhaz, but it's very difficult and I've made at least one mistake already when converting the Zharak pulse cannons.

Re: The Warring Triumvirate

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Re: The Warring Triumvirate


The three Jilan cruisers had coil guns listed when they should be coil CANNONs, as the Jilan don't have coil guns. This has been rectified in the ships on the first page, but not the PDF file as it is a fairly minor change.

Re: The Warring Triumvirate

A bit of errata verrry overdue: The Zharak Chrophak has two particle arrays and two chain guns in the 'JL' arcs, and none in the 'KL' arcs. It should read [JL] [KL].

I'm also combining the two supplements and adding the Jakrah-D and Hayhraka to the Jilan Lords. There isn't much else, just some prettying up to the original documents...

Re: The Warring Triumvirate

As noted in the Nova Edition Warring Triumvirate thread, I discovered that the Carnalim ion array had a range of 12, when it should read 9. This has been corrected. I will be posting up the combined Warring Triumvirate/Veiled Serpent supplements either tonight or tomorrow, unimaginatively called the Unveiled Serpent.

Re: The Warring Triumvirate

Have corrected the Nhilka and Olhaz plasma repeater