Topic: Volatile Seekers
I'm working on an RKV weapon, and I'm considering making it a Volatile Seeker. This makes me question - when does Volatile "trigger?" Normally with Seekers you determine the actual attack strength (the total attack dice) when you set down the token.
The question is, when do you roll d6s to determine the final Attack Dice for Volatile?
- [*]If you determine it when the weapon is fired, then you roll the dice before setting down the Seeker tokens (and the token value can get REALLY high).
[*]If it's immediately before attacking, then the Seeker gets the base Attack Dice and is easier to intercept in its entirety (though letting even one through is potentially catastrophic), and only when the face up counter makes its actual attack do you roll one die per base attack die to determine the final number of attack dice.
It isn't clear from my reading of the rules which way to go, though it's likely there's a sentence somewhere that says it clearly and unambiguously (chances are, it's even underlined). lol