Topic: Small Ship Classes
Dear All,
Following the recent thread on ship classes I have been thinking (always dangerous ) about how to 'model' small ships without the dreaded size creep. With WW1 destroyers some 30 times smaller than your average dreadnought and with NOVA having a practical lower limit of 3 hull you can end up with some pretty large battleships. Destroyers of that era tended to operate in flotillas so how could NOVA model them? I have two options the first is without changing any rules! (seems wrong somehow
) .
Inspired by the flotillas in SAE - DREADNOUGHT
Tester Destroyer-flotilla class Destroyer (48)
HULL [_]:[_]:[_]
THRUST [8][6][4][3][2] WEAPONS [_][1][2][3][4]
ECM [1][1][1][0][0] SHIELDS
3× Light Gun (Acr) [FX1] 1-2-3 3 2 2 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
18× Torpedoes (Prc){Exp} [TT3][TT3] [TT3] 1-2-3 23 16 11 8 6 4 3 2 1 1 1 1
This represents a three ship flotilla you can easily increase the number of hulls to reflect more ships. The ECM was to reflect the difficultly in targeting smaller ships. One possible rule change (see I knew it wouldn't last ) is to only allow one hull hit per weapon battery fired. Obviously you can use different weapons and such but do people think it reasonable to portray a group of small ships this way?
The second is to use shuttles as destroyers but to allow them fighter traits.
I'm throwing both ideas out there for discussion. Just remember that if your setting is closer to a modern wet navy setting then the destroyers above are more like fast attack vessels in some of the lesser navies of the world. And if you are one of those gladiatorial games the designs may not be uber effective, they are not meant to be.