Topic: Grand Fleets dead?

Is it? 

The last posts in Mar and June of '11. 

Last product released was King and Kaiser back in '09. 


Re: Grand Fleets dead?

Dead? No.

I'd call it "undergoing an identity crisis". Also, "A victim of Dan's changing life circumstances".

Nevertheless, significant progress has been made on a third edition:

Daniel Kast
Majestic Twelve Games

Re: Grand Fleets dead?

Thanks for the reply. 

The last post on the thread from someone I recognize as M12 was way back in 2011.   

Not too crazy about aircraft.  That is the main reason I have no interest in WW2 naval or moderns. 

From the cards it looks like GFIII is going to streamline out a fair bit and add post 1940.

Re: Grand Fleets dead?

Not too crazy about aircraft. That is the main reason I have no interest in WW2 naval or moderns.

Agreed. GF3 will account for aircraft in a fairly abstract way, but the main focus will still be on surface combat.

From the cards it looks like GFIII is going to streamline out a fair bit and add post 1940.

It will streamline a bit, but not by a whole lot. Think "faster play" rather than "loss of detail".

And while the pre-release stuff has been focusing on WW2 ships, it will still handle RJW, WW1, and inter-war scenarios as well as it ever did.

While I don't want to make promises, since the birth of our child has made the amount of time I have to devote to gaming unpredictable at best, I would expect to see some movement on this in February and March.

Daniel Kast
Majestic Twelve Games