Topic: Details please?

I was familiar with MJ12 games from their joint venture with ADB (I own Romulan Armada)... but on ADB's own website I saw a reference to some WWII Naval Combat games with these awesome ship cards:

So I come to the MJ12 site for more information... But there is... no... information to speak of on your game's pages. No pictures (okay one picture of a counter), no discussion of how a game works. I don't even know what the difference is between Grand Fleets and Grand Admiral? Is one out of print? It's only available in PDF. There's virtually no useful information on those pages to make any sort of decision. No discussion of what sets this game apart from all the other There's not much more info at boardgamegeek or drivethrustuff either. It's kind of frustrating really.

Could someone tell me which game did the card pictured come from? MJ12 might really want to consider more detailed info on the individual game pages for those of us who come to the site out of curiosity. I was only intrigued-enough to create a forum account to ask these questions because I was linked from a picture on another site... Nothing on the game pages here would have convinced me to bother putting forth the effort.


Re: Details please?

Grand Fleets is a miniatures game of naval combat during the battleship era. Grand Admiral is a faster-playing board game covering the same time period. As such, there are similarities between the two, but they are most definitely distinct games. Demo versions of the rules can be found on the games' catalog pages (see the "Resources" section on the right-hand side):

The ship card to which you provided a link is a tentative design for the third edition of Grand Fleets, for which work proceeds apace. Glad you think it looks awesome -- I think so, too. big_smile

Daniel Kast
Majestic Twelve Games

Re: Details please?

Thanks, Cricket! Sorry if I was short. I didn't even see the demos. I just read the game descriptions and went huh?!? I'm not a naval buff myself, but we can just say I'm interested in learning. I haven't found any that really speak to me, and I want something a little deeper than Axis & allies minis. I tend to prefer admiralty edition for starmada, but I think the nova edition converted to the new release will be just what I'm looking for.

I did find info about the new version after I made the post, but the post was awaiting moderation so I couldn't go retract my question. Thanks.